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royal air maroc s pilotes in strike
23 July 2009 16:43
hi there
what do you think of that
it s going to be a big problem for people willing to travelperplexe
24 July 2009 20:49
great news, i never fly with them less traffic in the skyClapless pollution Clap
25 July 2009 13:34
It's about time. the strike should've been done along time ago, or at least when they banned the hijab, the fasting, and Salat inside the plane. I don't see how any moroccan or any muslim can fly their airline. WE SHOULD BOYCOTT LA RAM. Peace.
25 July 2009 17:17
hold on hold on mate
planes arent that devil
if there werent any planes
how you re going to travel by lehmar (hachak)Are you crazy
25 July 2009 17:31
It's about time. the strike should've been done along time ago, or at least when they banned the hijab, the fasting, and Salat inside the plane. I don't see how any moroccan or any muslim can fly their airline. WE SHOULD BOYCOTT LA RAM. Peace.

eye popping smileywho planted this shit in your brain , is it a beardy wash machine???!!!!!!!!!
la Ram is koffar in your opinion what are you going to do about it ?

use afghan airline it s more your type Coolthey will even let you carry your klanchinkof on board thumbs down

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2009 05:58 by whatp.
26 July 2009 16:30
eye popping smileywho planted this shit in your brain , is it a beardy wash machine???!!!!!!!!!
la Ram is koffar in your opinion what are you going to do about it ?

use afghan airline it s more your type Coolthey will even let you carry your klanchinkof on board thumbs down[/quote]

that's strike 1 my freind. no need for personnal attack. and plz learn to attack the message not the messanger. fyi I don't have a beard, if i got lazy and don't shave in 2 weeks it'll start to itch. about la ram owned by koffar, I did not say that. you said it. I don't know who owns what in morocco . that's not the reason i don't fly la ram. and no thanks, why would any moroccan fly afghan airling? this is summer and lots of us lucky ones are flying back home to the loved ones in morocco not afghanistan or pakistan.
just to remind you again: don't attack me, debate me.
26 July 2009 18:14
banned the hijab, the fasting, and Salat inside the plane. I don't see how any moroccan or any muslim can fly their airline. WE SHOULD BOYCOTT LA RAM. Peace.

are those your words or someone else helped you writing them ??!!!!!!!!!!!!do you change your opinion like you change your clothes how strange pfffffffff :
you are calling moroccans and everyone else to boycott la Ram and these are your reasons:

banned the hijab !!!!!!! most passengers wear what they like afghan uniformwinking smileya mobile tent, a ninja box , a clown outfit who cares , if you are talking about air hostesses scarefed women are not welcomed in airplanes worldwide not just morocco and ask bin laden why Cool

banned fasting?/? thats a pure lie , a ridiculous made up rumour which lacks any intelligence if you don t want to eat do you think they will force feed you ptdrthink about it i heard they even stick tubes in people s stomach to force them swallow blended vegetables !

banned salat ?? a traveller can wait until the plane lands this is why there are seat belts in the planes, and what salat you want to do while flying in the sky aren t you aware of time differences btw countries , a plane is not a souk the passenger need to sit in his seat it s a health and safety precedure , you can t dance either or jog perplexe

debate what debate !!!!!!! you classify the hallucination you wrote a debate SOS
26 July 2009 19:25
banned the hijab, the fasting, and Salat inside the plane. I don't see how any moroccan or any muslim can fly their airline. WE SHOULD BOYCOTT LA RAM. Peace.

are those your words or someone else helped you writing them ??!!!!!!!!!!!!

banned the hijab !!!!!!! most passengers wear what they like afghan uniformwinking smileya mobile tent, a ninja box , a clown outfit who cares , if you are talking about air hostesses scarefed women are not welcomed in airplanes worldwide not just morocco and ask bin laden why Cool

strike 2: yes those were my words, but in Allah,s name what that has to do with bin laden, afhanistan and the beard. we are talikng about la ram (morocco) not afhanistan or taliban. so ok they banned the emplyees not the passengers; you could've correct me in a civilzed manner. you remind me of some scotts and johns and some of their ilks who every time the word Allah or islam pops up they'll jump on you, you'll try to defend your religion they'll label you as terrorist hahaha, fro aol morrocan message board to wafin now they are here on yabiladi. and what's pathatic they all claim to have some connection to morocco till their tongue slip and they get busted.
you are not one of them, are you?
26 July 2009 22:30
you are as thick as a brick house ptdryou are knocking and answering who s there SOS

moroccan airline exactly , well done you got it now SO :::what s that got to do with banning fasting (liar), salat , hijab .........activate your neuronnes otherwise you are dimmer than a 10 watt light bulb

i d rather cut my eye lid and stir up directly at the sun than waste my time trying to inject some intellegence in your dead brain

banning fasting hahaha ptdrptdr
27 July 2009 13:35
you are as thick as a brick house':sos
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I'll take that as a compliment LOL.

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sorry to hear that. you may wanna try taking a spoon of fish oil every morningsmiling smiley

i d rather cut my eye lid and stir up directly at the sun than waste my time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

hahaha. come on now!!! no need to hurt yourself just to prove your point. ya weld bladi (hada lakounti maghribi) you know what, and for the sake of arguement, you were right and i was wrong, you are the smartest the sharpest the brightest on this message board. you won, now give it a rest.
27 July 2009 15:38
ptdrptdri am not going to add any more salt to the wound winking smiley

but still i am curious how they banned fasting in moroccan planes perplexei need a genius answer for this dialema

practically how ???grinning smiley
27 July 2009 17:49
Will the pilotes be striking next week end too ?
27 July 2009 17:55
ptdrptdri am not going to add any more salt to the wound winking smiley

but still i am curious how they banned fasting in moroccan planes perplexei need a genius answer for this dialema

practically how ???grinning smiley
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

show them a picture of yousmiling smiley
just kidding salma.
that was not the point. it is not about banning the fasting or the beard or hijab. it is about having restriction on the practice of islam in a muslim country. simple as that.
27 July 2009 18:58
Zack69show them a picture of yousmiling smiley
just kidding salma.
that was not the point. it is not about banning the fasting or the beard or hijab. it is about having restriction on the practice of islam in a muslim country. simple as that.

again for the million time: no one is allowed to move from his seat in a plane except for the toilet
an airline is criticised on the following: punctuality, food quality , customer service , health and safety , prices what religion got to do with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ptdreye popping smiley
re asking in darija again: kifach manou syame ftyarates WACH AIR HOSTESS TATKBTEK MN KTAFEK WEL PILOT TAYKHCHI MAKLA BSSIFE ptdrgrinning smiley la3jeb
27 July 2009 19:17
zack 69, RAM don t care if you eat or not , sometimes they don t even serve any meals you r free to fast

i used them to go to morocco long time ago cheap flight to blad but i will never fly with them :
- the air hostesses are so ugly and rude i prefer seeing pretty faces while flying
- the worst is the passengers , smelly feet ,noise, they use the toilet and leave the door open disgusting Ill

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2009 07:19 by marocain-09.
28 July 2009 16:56
28 July 2009 23:26
zack 69, RAM don t care if you eat or not , sometimes they don t even serve any meals you r free to fast
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true true. unless those cute flight attendants are naked demonstrating safety instructions; you know, fasting is not just about food and drinks, it is also to control the desire of the Nafs. the subject was about the srike not how to stop some one from fasting.

i used them to go to morocco long time ago cheap flight to blad but i will never fly with them :
- the air hostesses are so ugly and rude i prefer seeing pretty faces while flying
- the worst is the passengers , smelly feet ,noise, they use the toilet and leave the door open
disgusting Ill
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

last time we used them was 25 years ago iwas only 13 years old. they gave my uncle hard time, I don't fly much to morocco like we used to, but when I do I shop for good price and ahead of time during spring. I can find a roundtrip ticket from dallas to agadir via germany for under $800.oo.
29 July 2009 16:39
well good for youthumbs up
29 July 2009 18:41
well good for youthumbs up

what's with sarcasm Salma? I'm cheap, and I like free stuff. so bite mesmiling smiley
30 July 2009 11:03
hhh who are u???Heu
30 July 2009 14:56
31 July 2009 14:15
hhh who are u???Heu

I'm your future EXsmiling smiley
2 August 2009 16:37
can you be more respectful
i m a married woman and a mumCensored
4 August 2009 16:41
can you be more respectful
i m a married woman and a mumCensored

I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was just joking with you lady. I even put a smiley face. how would I know you're married? beside, I didn't say anything that cross the line, our values or morals. I didn't use a bad word or curse.
You asked me quote [who are you?] unquote. and I said "your future ex" . a dry joke that means marriage will never happen. that's all. but I guess not all of us have the same sense of humor.
6 August 2009 17:19
no not really when it comes to stuff like this
and plus dont think because i live in the UK ans i m british
i forgot about my values and traditionsNo no
6 August 2009 17:26
i dont like this topic anywayevil ¤ÇÂ
6 August 2009 17:27
that s not funny at allCensored
9 August 2009 15:41
no not really when it comes to stuff like this
and plus dont think because i live in the UK ans i m british
i forgot about my values and traditionsNo no

you're british? gouliha min sbah ou hannina, you must be a rookie. ya salama ya bent lhalal, level with me PLZ. I did not say anything that doubts your upbringing.
we know you're a happilly married MUMMY (if it is true) but does your husband know you argue with guys alot online? values and traditions!!! hahaha.
10 August 2009 00:45
no not really when it comes to stuff like this
and plus dont think because i live in the UK ans i m british
i forgot about my values and traditionsNo no

you're british? gouliha min sbah ou hannina, you must be a rookie. ya salama ya bent lhalal, level with me PLZ. I did not say anything that doubts your upbringing.
we know you're a happilly married MUMMY (if it is true) but does your husband know you argue with guys alot online? values and traditions!!! hahaha.

Talking with men on this forum does not mean that she doesn't have any values etc...
I'm married, I talk with men and sometimes I advise them or I try to advise them when they have problems. My husband does not know I come on this forum. Does that mean I'm not a Muslim or that I have no moral values at all. I don't think so. I don't do anything wrong and neither Salma49 does.

10 August 2009 23:32
[I don't do anything wrong and neither Salma49 does.

Bye! [/quote]

Now I feel bad, plz don't say goodbyesmiling smiley I hate goodbyes, stay just little bit longer. I'll be good, I promise.
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