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rubbish topics this month
3 August 2009 17:41
hi there
listen all of you people who are faithful to this forum
the reason why i no longer tell my opinion is because the topics are stupid and nearly becoming ridiculous
can you please boost up your level of cultureHeu
thank you
3 August 2009 20:24
Does ur level of culture is considered to be high so that those who are faithful to this forum could raise the level ?
3 August 2009 21:57
hi there
listen all of you people who are faithful to this forum
the reason why i no longer tell my opinion is because the topics are stupid and nearly becoming ridiculous
can you please boost up your level of cultureHeu
thank you
im a very sarcastic person Salma, if u understand sarcasm, you will laugh.
but if u're a stiff,
Life is too f**king short.
3 August 2009 22:04
culture and class you even born with it or without it there is nothing more stupid than uncultured school leavers with narrow minded brains trying to portray themselves as cultured know it all , it s just wrong and hillarious ptdr

we amazigh culture is our second name be patient salma let free thinker think he will come up with an amazing cultural topic
grinning smiley
6 August 2009 17:13
i didnt mean you wats up
but some minority of people who have got no brain at all
ghir kewer we3ti le3werHeu
11 August 2009 23:29
i didnt mean you wats up
but some minority of people who have got no brain at all
ghir kewer we3ti le3werHeu

Ok !

Suggest us interesting topics and we'll be glad to participate and of course we'll be very grateful since you'll teach interesting things to those like us who are uncultured.

Bye !
12 August 2009 16:21
who are u anyway
you re not familiar with this forumHeu
12 August 2009 17:58
who are u anyway
you re not familiar with this forumHeu

Hi Salma69 !

Does that forum belong to you to say such a thing !Oh
13 August 2009 02:27
who are u anyway
you re not familiar with this forumHeu

Hi Salma69 !

Does that forum belong to you to say such a thing !Oh
Kellya, Salma is a spoiled brat, she comes from Hamria, Meknes, it's like Anfa in Casa or Beverly Hills in Los Angles, big brats.
me me me me me..
she expects to have it the way she wants, if she doesn't get what she wants, she starts whining and crying like a little brat.
Grow up Salma, stop whining!!!
13 August 2009 10:20
librepenseur : do you know Meknes ? i guess no from what you said about 7amrya
Hamria is not a rich people place , it s a small town centre with shops and very small appartments, a crowded place , with a post office a court in the middle and a big police station
it s called 7amria because it used be a souk for 7mir (donkey market)

if you want a nice clean place a villa with a swimming pool in meknes there are two places in Meknes : plaizence and l hacienda that where rich people live
i am a meknessi of origin and i know meknes like the palm of my hands ptdr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2009 10:25 by marocain-09.
20 August 2009 10:57
well mr meknassi hamria used to be where i live
but now my family lives in a big villa for your information near zaki road before you reach hotel zaki
i dont think you know it mate because you re only used to LEBRAREK
and plus even when i used to live in hamria we used to have a very nice appartment
and i dont care if hamria used to be SOUK LEHMIR
because i was born with A GOLDEN SPOON in my mouth ok?????evil
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