Has anyone or Is anyone using the free software salaatattime ? from salaattime.com.
If yes, what method of calculation shall you set in it preferences, has it anything to do with the madhab al maliki ? Because I would like to follow what they do back home (morocco) since it fits me better.
And second, I just noticed that imsaq is 8 minutes ahead of al fajr. And as long as I knew , We could eat if we intend to fast, up to a minute before al fajr (wa akhirou souhour) so why is there 8 minutes differences between imsak and al fajr ?
If you did not tried it yet, give it a shot @ www.salaattime.com
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2006 11:54 by l9bi7.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.
Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !
Sans mentir, si votre ramage
Se rapporte à votre plumage,
Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."