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satan is innocent ??
19 May 2009 16:35
are you the type who blame satan for all your mistakes ?

majority of people i notice when they do bad things they never assume responsability they always blame satan??
if we lie we say it s satan wshwshwsh lia frasi grinning smiley
if we fail in an exam we say it s because of satan i did not do my homework , even if a person was caught stealing he say allah ynaal shitan howa sababe?

victory has so many fathers but failure it s father is satanevil
19 May 2009 16:53
i hold my hand up , i do say that specially with my wife she asks me to get something then i can not bother when i get home i say weld la7rame chitane nssani , it works all the time

just a white lie not that serious Angel
19 May 2009 17:45
hi there
i do agree with you
if something happens to us we say (lmektab )as well
and of course if we did something nautghy
we would blame satan
classic thing of humanity behaviourOups
19 May 2009 20:56
i know it's not Friday, but im gonna give you my version of what really did happen and took place.
I don't understand why you people always blame the poor satan for everything?
it was not him, it was her.
He was an angel til he met her.
She was Adam's first wife before Eve but she would not submit to Adam during sex, she wanted to be on top while Adam wanted to be on top, a war of domination during sex, but Adam insisted he should be on top.
then she took off telling Adam screw you, i can find a better man than you.
so Adam went crying to god asking god, she left me, what am i supposed to do now?
God told him, don't worry, i'll curse her and the ones who follow her but im giving you a second chance, a second wife, im gonna make her from your blood, from your flesh but don't ever come back to me crying again or i will banish you too..
Then Eve was created from Adam's ribs and became Adam's second wife and lived happy for a very long time.
But, the first wife never forgot about Adam, she seduced Satan for revenge just for revenge. Satan was a nice Angel but he fell in love and followed her like a blind, she asked him, if you really really love me you have to rebel against god, Adam and that bitch Eve.
so the poor Satan confused, went to god and said to god i quit, i don't want to work for you no more i quit, ok!!!
And God told him, i will curse you and her and all your children til the day of judgment and all those who follow you too..
Then Satan blind from her love Love changed to a snake to seduce Eve because his wife said so..he started flirting with Eve and gave Eve an apple, Eve liked him and ate half of the apple but in her heart she loved Adam so much she saved the other half for him not knowing that the tree where that apple came from was supposed to be forbiden to eat from and took it back to Adam who ate the other half.
then god got pissed again at Adam, he told him what's wrong with you fool, i gave you a 2nd chance, don't play games with me, Adam was like, God i didn't do nothing..
and God kicked Adam and Eve out of Heaven.
but you know who was really behind all this?
her name is Aicha Kendisha, the first wife of Adam.
19 May 2009 21:46
grinning smiley hey free thinka thats just a bed story aicha kendisha does not exist
still whoever told you this story is a chovenist portraying woman as the devil , even seducing the devil to do devil thingswinking smiley
nice story though fin chefti had DVD? goli aawtani fou9 jbel maa lwed

have you ever heard the story of baghlate la9bour (the mule of graves)it s scarierptdr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2009 09:47 by whatsup.
20 May 2009 00:00
grinning smiley hey free thinka thats just a bed story aicha kendisha does not exist
still whoever told you this story is a chovenist portraying woman as the devil , even seducing the devil to do devil thingswinking smiley
nice story though fin chefti had DVD? goli aawtani fou9 jbel maa lwed

have you ever heard the story of baghlate la9bour (the mule of graves)it s scarierptdr
wash 3omrek swelti rassek 3lash tishedouna jnoun ou outanbdaw njedbou ont7airou meni tensem3ou le nom LALA AICHA?
bash nfi9o khasshom ijbdou swaret bash tfi9 i9ar9bouhom 9oodamek et golo slat we slam 3la rasol Allah.
hadok swaret homa swaret dial jenna.
Raha saknana, gha3 rojala sghar ola kbar meni tisem3ou smitha tibdaw it7airo
20 May 2009 12:22
listen thats all (khourafat)No no
come on man we re in the 21 st century
we ve got no time to think about these myths
be realistic and think practicalAre you crazy
20 May 2009 14:14
listen thats all (khourafat)No no
come on man we re in the 21 st century
we ve got no time to think about these myths
be realistic and think practicalAre you crazy
a wili galet like lkhorafat, wash 3omrek sme3ti beli Lala Aicha tatkhtar li bghate at midnight?
kol lila tattkhtar wahed li 3jebha mais exactement a minuit et celui qu'elle a choisi devient fou le rest de sa vie.
meli rajel tisme3 smitha tibda it7air..
ana sheftha, 3andha rejline dial bagra ou jouj groune walakine tres tres tres belle.
hadok lghroun rebathom hit helfate bash tenta7 Eve et hadok rejline 7it derbat Adam be rejliha 9bel matfare9 m3ah ou rebi msakh-ha..
mais sa beaute n'a pas change, la plus belle femme de l'histoire.
Lala Aicha tatntah les filles, she gets very jealous and angry when she sees a beuatiful girl and the boys who like them are the first once to sleep with her.
at midnight.
then she takes off and the boys tib9aw it7ayro 3liho toute leurs vies.
20 May 2009 14:50
sorry mate
i ve never heard of itHeu
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