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28 June 2006 07:39
After I read and heard some about what the US surgeon general said in new report about second hand smoking danger, I wondered how much of this news will reach our friends and families back home, who continue to smoke at a very alarming rates. Tobacco companies are spending huge amounts of money to get young people hooked at early ages, they really don’t need to do much, unfortunately in morocco, as we are bad smokers already, many of our poor people back home rather buy a pack of Marlboro than a pair of sandals or healthy meal for their families.
I just think that all of us, and mostly the ones visiting morocco this, or coming years, we should spread the word about the danger of cigarettes amongst our families and friends, and mostly amongst young people we meet, we should tell them that in America, for example, the world's leader in producing tobacco, the country of john Wayne and Marlboro, not many people smoke tobacco any more, that they have come to know the danger of this bad habit, and that they, our kids, are now the target of Tabaco companies, spending real money to get them hooked, only not on phonics this time, but on real poison that will give them cancer and shorten their lives..
Spread the world about the danger of cigarettes, my friends, who knows, you may save a kid or two, and wouldn’t that be cool….

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2006 04:38 by Almot.
28 June 2006 10:31
I'll do that as I soon I manage to quit. Unfortunately, I picked up the habit in college, I've tried three times already to drop it but unsuccessfully. I have no will power when it comes to pleasures, and for those who smoked, you know that, that first puff after hours of work or after a gargantuan moroccan meal is awfully good. But, yes, you're absolutely right Almot, I can feel the effects on my health, it's a bad habit and I'll beat eventually.
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