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Second International Islamic Retreat - Cape Town 2011
30 June 2010 01:52

Assalaamu ‘alaikum!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Islamic Network South Africa is happy to extend an invitation to you to join us for the 2nd International Islamic Retreat which takes place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 21st to 27th March 2011. The success of the first Retreat, held last year in Trinidad and Tobago will be hard to match; however we have expanded the program and do hope you will benefit from it Insha Allah.

The basic purpose of the Retreat is to return to the Holy Qur’ān and Ahadīth of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) to explain the reality of the world today – its wars, politics, economy, money, feminism, etc, and their link with mysterious events taking place in the Holy Land. The Retreat also seeks to guide participants to the proper Islamic response to those challenges of the modern age.

Participants are required to arrive in Cape Town on, or before Monday 21st March 2011. The proceedings of the Retreat will commence at 11am the next day.

Moulana Imran N Hosein will deliver his analysis of the Signs of the Last Day - this year with a special focus on Dajjāl, the False Mesiah. He is trying to complete his new book on Dajjāl so that it may launched at this occasion Insha Allah.

There will also be specialised tracts delivered by a panel of local and international speakers on Islamic Spirituality, Islamic Economic Issues (Ribā, Gold Dinār etc), Contemporary Fiqh Issues, Sustainable Development and Genetically Modified Foods.

Alongside all of this we hope you would take the time to enjoy our beautiful beaches and scenic hikes, along with a complimentary tour of Cape Town.

All meals, hostel accommodation and airport transfers will be provided and all are welcome to attend, however space is limited and allocated on a first come - first served basis. We have however decided to ask those who can afford it, to pay a small registration fee, US$40 has been set as a guideline. However if you cannot afford to pay any registration fee you will not be turned away, so please do register.

Those who wish to stay with us a bit longer can look forward to an additional week of holiday near Simons Town, a historic navel port with a rich Islamic Heritage. During this time we will have informal lessons, visit a nearby penguin colony, museums, Cape Point (the southernmost tip of Africa where its two oceans meet) and of course, go on a scenic trip by cable car to the top of the Table Mountain for a spectacular view of Cape Town.

Guests would have to pay for their own accommodation, entry fees and tours during this time, although an affordable package has been arranged.

Lastly we would like to emphasise that NO LATE REGISTRATIONS will be entertained as it plays havoc with planning and logistics. Registration for International and National Guests, will CLOSE on 15 January 2011, while registration for those living in Cape Town and not sleeping at the camp will close 15th February 2011.

We ask Allah, most Kind, to bless this event with success and to guide and protect those travelling to the Retreat for His sake. Ameen!

Please download and complete the relevant forms and email to [email protected]. Please also direct any queries to that address.

Registration form - International Guests:

Registration form - South African Nationals residing in other provinces:

Registration form - Cape Town Residents (day visitors):

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