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am seeking paper
12 January 2007 18:43
hello sisters and brothers!
i was 18 months in yabiladi french forum seeking paper, to work at europe to leave morocco because there is unemployment.
now am talking with you moroccan who are in english towns, i want wedding to have paper, some girl who is gentle.
thank you(tm)
and sorry for my terrible englishevil
26 January 2007 20:25
nobody want to help me?
26 January 2007 21:55
hey man ask god rather than asking people, because he is the one who can help,the rest can assure youwinking smiley
28 January 2007 02:43
he man stop daydreaming and say alhamdou would help you if you are flagrantly asking for papers over the net.u must go back and ask your dealer about the mix.
i can't help you because you need to make so many stops before you get where i am and airport authorities might arrest you along the way because you might look suspicious to them .....
u know what ?? i wish all the best in realizing your hearts' desires.And please take it easy on the hashbrown because it might land u in trouble. brother think thrice with your head and not with your heart before posting such desires. No noperplexe(tm)
28 January 2007 15:27
ok i understand, thank yougrinning smiley
oh now someone of you must lend me money to do project in morocco perplexe
29 January 2007 00:47
ok,i am glad that you'are down to earth and you want to do something with your life.that is a good start.
now let's talk talk business.which kind of project you are thinking about and how much money we are talking about en (MAD) s'il vous plait ?.
if you change your mind and you still want the papars and if Australia/Canada (Vancouver) not montreal do not sound far to you may be we can work something up in order to get you here or over there.i have a lot of connections in both countries you need to keep and be willing to wait for at least 8 months to one year for the applications to be the event of you still want money to start a project in morocco i will be your partner...
29 January 2007 22:57
thank you karimof you are gentleman.

i want to stay in morocco with my parents with people who love me, but i want money to start my project "to have cabinet of dentist" i must have 15000 euro to open.

my parents don't have money, and i don't like to take credit from banks.

thank you(tm)
29 January 2007 23:53
assallam brother,
Primo,thank you for your appraisal calling gentleman that is very sweet of you.
Secondo,let me tell you that i can't assist you in your dream and the main reason is that you forgot to spell my pseudo properly and that's create a lot of doubts in my head and push me to believe that one day u might forget that i ever existed.
tercio,the idea of staying with your parents is the best and the most intelligent decision of your entire existence.and,i believe u should use other peoples money to make money,not mine 4 sure,so my advice to you is if you have a good collateral walk insideany bank and get yourself a low interest ratesloan.
good luck and sorry that we can not be is not 4 money reasons but i have pricipales.No no(tm)
30 January 2007 10:48
If you are asking for money, I think you are wasting time. If you want to build a relationship via internet.Be smart and look for the right sites on the internet. Do it softly and be a gentelman. Choose and manipulate nicely the words there are chance if one is patient. All I can say, some did succed to move to Canada. They made it. From virtual to a real lasting
Why not Buuuuuuut be smart
3 February 2007 18:15
hello sisters and brothers!
i was 18 months in yabiladi french forum seeking paper, to work at europe to leave morocco because there is unemployment.
now am talking with you moroccan who are in english towns, i want wedding to have paper, some girl who is gentle.
thank you(tm)
and sorry for my terrible englishevil

hihi, t'es vraiment un cas deseperégrinning smiley
[hr]il faut de tout pour faire un monde ! oué ! mais on se passerait bien de certains !!!!!! :?:?
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