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Sexual Perversion In Morocco!
7 July 2006 02:38
The Moroccan government is determined to face the phenomenon of sexual perversion, said on Wednesday Minister of Justice Mohamed Bouzoubaâ, MAP news agency reported.

“The number of the cases registered in Moroccan courts in 2005-2006, involving foreigners and Moroccans with minors, has increased by 26%,” Bouzoubaâ said in an answer to a question asked by a deputy of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) about the treatment that justice holds for sexual crimes.

The courts pronounced many judgments condemning the convicted in sexual crimes, whether they were foreigners or Moroccans, he added.

Thanks to the vigilance of the security forces and the combing campaigns made in the cities concerned, many Moroccans and foreigners involved in sexual crimes were arrested and tried.

He recalled that the criminals were referred to Moroccan courts and it is up to the general attorney to decide the legal procedures.

“Sexual perversion crimes are not exclusive to foreigners and must not be treated only by prison sentences but also by psychotherapy and pedagogical ways,” Bouzoubaâ underlined.

Earlier this year the Moroccan authorities arrested a network of about 18 Moroccans, among them a French of Moroccan descent, specialised in the production of pornographic films.

After two months of investigations, the Marrakech court of first instance sentenced 13 people to a total of 30 years imprisonment, ranging from 6 months to 6 years in prison for each of the defendants.

The majority of them came from a popular neighborhood located at Sidi Youssef Ben Ali prefecture. Aged between 18 and 20, these impoverished Moroccans found themselves involved in a very dirty adventure, risking their reputation for a very insignificant sum of money and a promise of immigration to France.

The Marrakech police also dismantled, few years ago, a child pornographic network, essentially headed by French nationals.

Agadir, south of Morocco, another tourist city has known last year a big sex scandal, which trigged the concern of most national media.

In addition, a German national was sentenced by the court of First Instance of Agadir to three year' prison and a fine of MAD 5,000 for paedophilia, inciting a minor to vice, fitting out premises for this purpose and fostering sex tourism.

According to the Moroccan penal code, the individuals involved in a sex crime scandal, if convicted, risk one to 5 years imprisonment, with paying a fine ranging from MAD 5,000 to 1 million.

Article in Morocco Times,
7 July 2006 13:38
its only the top of the iceberg !!!!
9 July 2006 17:41
Sex has become a flourishing business worldwide,and I don't think that Morocco is an exception. Prostitution is the second oldest profession after spying. Wherever there is Man,there is sex.eye rolling smiley
9 July 2006 18:29
and wherever there is sex,there must be a man,i mean a sexy man! lol
10 July 2006 08:12
I don't think your comment opens the door for a serious discussion. I hope it was a slip of the tongue.
sincerly, yours
16 July 2006 22:26
salut sava
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