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Sexual Tourism in Agadir
5 July 2006 17:54
all i hope in sharing you such topic is at most times guiding you to the right path to from which one may critically absorb the authentic
somehow or other,i see that sexual tourists bombard our city in private each summer with their respectful dress and a black loop upon their heads.yep,i see u goet it man.more or less,this has to be with saudi tourists,i mean corrupt men and odd perves?last year,a friend of mine-he is a taxi driver-told me that Karam hotel has been blocked just some months after Salam hotel has been,too? it was a hard night for some over there.Croatians have sanctified all the area that surrounded Karam hotel? civilians,taxi drivers..were among the arrested insulters.some say that it was a high class order.yup,it was something like that.anyway,saudi men and under 18-years Moroccan girls and even married ladies were found naked dealing with such hot stuff.having found a great amount of smuggled produts such as whisky ,alcohol,and molasses..etc was a big bargain for policemen to depend on in putting such personal arithmeristic operations into prctice.but that all see important to pay attention to in this topic was the fact that how the movie ended up?
simply,saudi tourists were expelled outside with no considerable responsiblities? the responsible hotel staff succeeded in coming out of game with the least loss? nd of course,to show that everything was under control and that justice was overcoming ,all moroccan girls ,ladies,and men were taken to lawcourt under the charge of practising moral corruption,prostitution or at least ,to push your mob shut,helping in that?
that is it? Saudi men are blessed soz thei come here to squander dollars and increase birth rate over here?
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