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shopping in Morocco?
23 July 2006 13:53
to those in north america/europe when back to morocco...
apart from buying moroccan clothes, Jelabas, Kaftans....etc

do u ever buy other modern clothes in morocco, trainers, jeans, shirts, shoes.......?

like a friend of mine here in denmark, used to buy fake clothes , versace, d&g, moschino made in casa and sell them 4 times double in there or for himself..
23 July 2006 14:03
A friend of mine tried the same stuff (Jeans), unfortunately they got him in washington Airport and cons=fiscated his fake merchandise
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
24 July 2006 01:00
you can buy fake fashion clothes in casa but the quality is far from the real one....
29 July 2006 20:23
Not necessary, sometimes they are not real Fake, Fully designed, the only heck is the Made in Morocco.. some people steal them from production factories..

I know one in salé, he has a full shop specializing in jeans, some are fake some not, no wonder he has been serving many jail time, but getting back to the business
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
30 July 2006 15:10
salut ca va
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