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sidi ifni detainees
30 November 2008 10:41
Liste des détenus de la prison d’Inezgane, inculpés auprès de la Cour d’appel d’Agadir (20) :

Brahim Bara (Attac),
Hassan Agharbi (Attac),
Mohamed El Ouahadani (CMDH) ,
Ahmed Boufim (CMDH),
Zinelabidin Radi (ANDCM),
Abdelkader Atbib,
Brahim Harbili (élève, condamné à 1 an de prison) ,
Abderrahmane Dahbi,
Souljane Haouari,
Khader Bouri,
Omar Aarab condamné à 1 an),
Karim Chara,
Miloud Boutakat,
Abdelmalek Idrissi (conseiller municipal),
Zakarya Rifi (ANDCM),
Khadija Zyane (CMDH),
Mohamed Aissam,
Ahmed Ahgoun,
Hussein Boumzough,
Mustapha Elkasbi,
Mohamed Lamrani

D’autres ont été inculpés et sont en liberté provisoire (9)

Fayçal Moukhilif,
Khalil Ezzin,
Mounir Zakarya,
Abderrahmane Ben Ahmed,
Abdellatif Makiza,
Bouchaib El Ghati,
Khalid Bouchra (Attac),
Brahim Boumrah (Attac),
Hassan Moumni (Attac),
Ahmed Elhallaoui

Liste des détenus de la prison de Tiznit (4)

Redouane Mliouih(condamné à deux mois de prison. Actuellement libéré),
Abdelwahed Elhamraoui, Azeddine Amahil condamné à 6 mois),
Hassan Tizgarine (2 d’entre eux sont déjà condamnés à 6 mois et un an de prison)

Prison de Salé (1)

Brahim Sebaalil (CMDH) a été condamné à 6 mois de prison et est détenu à la prison de Salé.

A signaler que l’arrestation de ces personnes s’échelonne à des dates différentes depuis le 7 juin. D’autres personnes sont encore recherchées.
2 December 2008 13:11

in the international law , there is a sentence which sums up everything :
you do the crime , you do the time
they may be some innocent young lads there but i think as we say in Morocco
7outa wehda tatkhnez chwarismiling smiley because they were associated with groups of trouble makers , who destroy public properties they been accused as well
I also think the sentences were very leniant from couple months to 6 months etc a little twist of the ear to say : behave next time Heu
2 December 2008 15:59

in the international law , there is a sentence which sums up everything :
you do the crime , you do the time
they may be some innocent young lads there but i think as we say in Morocco
7outa wehda tatkhnez chwarismiling smiley because they were associated with groups of trouble makers , who destroy public properties they been accused as well
I also think the sentences were very leniant from couple months to 6 months etc a little twist of the ear to say : behave next time Heu
En arabe..
NIdalona mostamir 7ata ta79I9 ALMATALIB : TARI9, SBITAR, MARSA, Idara, Itla9 abna sidi ifni...
Ignorant .. you do not even know what is past and where is Sidi Ifni on the world map

Being ignorant of his ignorance is the disease of ignorance.

Lah y3fo 3lik..gol amin
2 December 2008 20:08
good luch with your so called Nidal ptdri think you call it Jihad sounds better ptdr
you just proved with your aggressive comment my point of view

thank youthumbs up
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