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Sign and Forward "Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition"
20 July 2006 21:39
Please go to [] and sign the Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition and forward this invitation to your friends.

Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of the state of Israel for several days. The State of Israel, in disregard to international law and the Geneva Convention, is launching a maritime and air siege targeting the entire population of the country. Innocent civilians are being collectively punished in Lebanon by the state of Israel in deliberate acts of terrorism as described in Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.

22 July 2006 00:27
account suspended br...
22 July 2006 01:25
i think this is just bull%%%%

let's face it, these kind of stuff never protect any new life !

it reminds me of a saying : the dog who barks never bites
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
22 July 2006 03:54
Well at least we are doing something rather than just sitting.
22 July 2006 10:02
Isn't it astonishing to see the defenders of Israel be they Israelis, jews residing outside Israel or just foreign sympathizers citing Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan as supporters of the Hebrew state in their disproportionate aggression against Lebanon? Day after day, we witness the indiscriminate killing and maiming of innocent lebanese people and the systematic dismantling of their country's infrastructure whilst most of the world at large just sits and watches and watches..... Those countries that are capable of putting a stop to this massacre are only concerned about evacuating their own nationals out of Beyrout as if to signal to Israel to continue with the destruction.

I keep asking myself the same old question: What is the role of the Arab League? It can't even convene a meeting to discuss the destruction of a member country! If the Arabs with all their oil wealth cannot wield sufficient power to stop one of their member country being obliterated now, what will it be like when their oil runs out?

Where are those muslims now that their brethren in Lebanon are being slaughtered? Not long ago I remember them making a big fuss, even attacking embassies over the caricatures of the prophet Mohamed published in European newspapers.

Could you imagine the reaction, the anger and the swift response of the so-called "civilised world" if an Arab country were attacking and destroying Israel on a scale Israel is doing to Lebanon today?

As much as I find the values of muslim extremists such as those of Hizbollah (what an idiotic label!) repugnant, I still think that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity. Will the culprits ever be punished? Not a chance. Will the Arabs ever wake up and realise that the masters of this world are not on their side? Not a chance.
22 July 2006 14:14
Well at least we are doing something rather than just sitting.

doing something, that has no effect on the ground, is certainly just : "something" meanwhile other are doing something and are getting results with it.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
22 July 2006 17:32
Well at least we are doing something rather than just sitting.

doing something, that has no effect on the ground, is certainly just : "something" meanwhile other are doing something and are getting results with it.

Well in our mosque they gave us a paper with many phone numbers to call and say what we think and if a lot of people make these calls it will definetly make our voices heard.

PS : I'm still emotionally instable since that khoutba when I think that we also in a way contribue in killing our brothers and sisters in lebanon and Gaza paying the taxes ...but what can we do?!

Tomorow inshalah there will be a counter-protest by the muslim community of my city, we will stand up against what's happening in middle east and there will probably be some medias.

let's see what will happen.

and you can also help or do "something" by giving donations medicins etc...

Wa Salam.
22 July 2006 17:33

Isn't it astonishing to see the defenders of Israel be they Israelis, jews residing outside Israel or just foreign sympathizers citing Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan as supporters of the Hebrew state in their disproportionate aggression against Lebanon? Day after day, we witness the indiscriminate killing and maiming of innocent lebanese people and the systematic dismantling of their country's infrastructure whilst most of the world at large just sits and watches and watches..... Those countries that are capable of putting a stop to this massacre are only concerned about evacuating their own nationals out of Beyrout as if to signal to Israel to continue with the destruction.

I keep asking myself the same old question: What is the role of the Arab League? It can't even convene a meeting to discuss the destruction of a member country! If the Arabs with all their oil wealth cannot wield sufficient power to stop one of their member country being obliterated now, what will it be like when their oil runs out?
Where are those muslims now that their brethren in Lebanon are being slaughtered? Not long ago I remember them making a big fuss, even attacking embassies over the caricatures of the prophet Mohamed published in European newspapers.
Could you imagine the reaction, the anger and the swift response of the so-called "civilised world" if an Arab country were attacking and destroying Israel on a scale Israel is doing to Lebanon today?

As much as I find the values of muslim extremists such as those of Hizbollah (what an idiotic label!) repugnant, I still think that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity. Will the culprits ever be punished? Not a chance. Will the Arabs ever wake up and realise that the masters of this world are not on their side? Not a chance.

Thank you sbs, finally some common sense in this madness ! The problem that we're having right now in any discussion about this problem, is that the choice is between a paranoïd, cold blooded, sionist state or bearded psychos. The Israelis have no qualms about using disproportionate military force against civilians and the Hezbollah or Hamas don't seem to be having a problem of conscience in using tactics that have a systematic boomerang effect on the very people they claim to defend. Everytime a suicide bomber targets a market, everytime a katioucha rocket hits a settlement, the retaliation ratio is at least 1 to 10. Any leader with some concern for his population would change tactics, it's a fundamental military rule : a tactic that is destroying more of your own ranks compared to your opponent, has to scrapped.
What people don't seem to realize is that everytime Hezbollah or Hamas does something stupid, it simply unites the Israelis and silences any opposition. Remember the Refuzniks ? Those soldiers who refuse to serve in the occupied territories ? Their movement was growing, gaining sympathy across Israeli society. They weren't silenced by the israeli Supreme Court, sentencing them had the opposite effect. No, they were silenced by a series of attacks by Hamas, who had the effect of stiffening israeli public opinion.

This problem will be solved from within the israeli society, when Israelis in their majority will wake up and realize that they've turned into an enemy that has been defeated 60 years ago and had all but exterminated them, this problem will be solved when Israelis will realized that the poverty in their midst is caused by the ressources being drained by this senseless quest for some idiotic biblical quest. But one thing I'm sure of, as long as muslim extremism is the one leading the charge, they won't stop to think, fear unites them, justified fear I might add, let's not be coy or hypocritical here : even, WE, do not want that muslim nihilistic ideology taking charge in our countries, how do you think the Israelis feel having them as neighbours ?

We have every reason in the world to blame the Israelis for what they've done, but the answer is reason, because reason will finally let the israeli opposition have a say in this and work from within.

Here's an example to illustrate :


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2006 03:35 by chelhman.
22 July 2006 19:08
Well at least we are doing something rather than just sitting.

doing something, that has no effect on the ground, is certainly just : "something" meanwhile other are doing something and are getting results with it.

Well in our mosque they gave us a paper with many phone numbers to call and say what we think and if a lot of people make these calls it will definetly make our voices heard.

PS : I'm still emotionally instable since that khoutba when I think that we also in a way contribue in killing our brothers and sisters in lebanon and Gaza paying the taxes ...but what can we do?!

Tomorow inshalah there will be a counter-protest by the muslim community of my city, we will stand up against what's happening in middle east and there will probably be some medias.

let's see what will happen.

and you can also help or do "something" by giving donations medicins etc...

Wa Salam.

that is good to do, but i doubt it will change anything. it is not by giving some hundred dollars that the balance will go other way. They did it, they have to assume it !

look, years while ppl were sending money to palestine, that made any change on the statu quo ?

I am giving up, coz muslims did not find wellfare among them selves how could we get it from others.

If saudis and accompany showed their disinterest, is your voice that will make a change ?

Sorry but i find it lame, shame on us, that we have only innefective tongues ..
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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