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single dictators
23 September 2011 17:23
i was just reading an article about Sultan qabus d oman
and i thought of this subject :
they have the money , they have the power
why they don t get married ? sure they can afford it

an other heartthrob LOL is the midget Bouteflika
these 2 are more than 70 years old , no children and never got married are they monks ?
any other DICTATORS to add to the list OF RICH FAMOUS , POWERFUL AND SINGLE a part the POPE of course ?
i won t write handsom because that will be pure bullshit LoL

i know, i am a nosy and curious soul smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2011 05:40 by washington28 .
25 September 2011 11:43
You said it : they have money, they have power. That means they also have all the women they want.

Why would they create themselves problems by getting married to one woman, who will be annoying, telling him what to do, asking for favors? Why would they want to stick to one, when they can have many that they can swip away easily?

They don't need marriage. They don't want the noise of childrens.
Well, that's what they think for now...Let's see what comes next when they are old, alone, arrogant...and ugly smiling smiley

And the ones who got married (Mussolini, Staline,Mao, Hitler...) were disturbed people who needed a strong feminine help to achieve their machiavelic plan. Those mens SEEM to be powerful, but it was just a big lack of selfconfiance. And we all know women can be way more crual than men...
26 September 2011 13:05
well , that s not the case here , if you google for instance the name of Sultan Qabus you will find few articles about him and his adventures with his bodyguards, apparently he is gay , this is why he is not married
regarding Bouteflika : no idea but there are rumours that when he was in oujda as a young soldier he used to fancy one of his colleagues.
so the only explanation which stands until now is their sexuality , women are not their cup of tea and knowing the culture of those societies thay can not be open about it .

link :

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2011 01:09 by washington28 .
9 October 2011 23:06
Two ways of thinking:

The first one:
It's crystal clear, they are gay...
Especially in an Islamic society, it's almost compulsory to get married especially when you have power, money...

The second one:
Maybe they're so busy with their job, that they don't have time to think about that

But I don't care about that: I dont need to know his sexual behavior. The article you posted is a little bit slanderous according to me
10 October 2011 22:26
Single dictators are clever: they understood that a spouse on their side might become notorious and then speed up their fall from power, just like the case of Emelda Marcos, Leila Trabelsi, Suzane Moubarak etc.
11 October 2011 12:28
Single dictators are clever: they understood that a spouse on their side might become notorious and then speed up their fall from power, just like the case of Emelda Marcos, Leila Trabelsi, Suzane Moubarak etc.

But does that mean that you disagree with the "gay" theory?
Or, that this men hide their sexual relationship?
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