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slow metabolism!!!!!
13 September 2007 00:27
what that mean slow metabolism????
i work with a lady who s always talking about losing weight !!!!she says she can t lose weight because she has SLOW METABOLISM????IS THERE ANYBODY OF YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS TERM MEANS EXACTLTY???she is giving me ear ache with this sentence everyday , the truth is she eats a lot , and she has really bad diet , if i can t find her i just pop to any macdonald KFC or pizza hut and i found her there sitting with 2 or 3 burgers in her hands smiling smileyshe is always asking my advice what shall i do : i explain to her it s nothing to do with the speed of your metabolism , if you eat less you lose weight simple as that
anyway i think she is living in denial !!!!i can advice her but i can t force her she needs to realise
that carrying a lot of weight causes serious health issues, which she is already experiencing
she is a good friend but she gets on my nerves sometimes with this (slow metabolism whenever i tell her to watch what she is putting in her body
what is this metabolism ? is it the digestion system ???
13 September 2007 00:39
Hi rosette 1

You are spot on , i google it & found
Yes, there is such a thing as a slow metabolism. But it's rare. The bottom line is: Most overweight or obese individuals do not get that way because of a slow metabolism. They get that way because they eat too many calories and don't exercise enough.

Metabolism is the complex biochemical process by which the food you eat is converted into the energy your body needs to function. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of calories you burn at rest.

Your body composition is one of the primary factors that determine BMR. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn. This is why men — who typically have more lean muscle than women do — tend to lose weight faster and gain it more slowly. It's also why experts recommend strength training to build muscle mass. BMR is also affected by how much you exercise. All physical activity, not just strenuous activity, increases the number of calories you burn.

Only a small number of people truly have a slow metabolism — which means they burn fewer calories at rest than they should according to estimates based on their height, weight, age and sex. In fact, people who are overweight usually have an increased metabolic rate because they have more muscle as well as fat.

It's true that your metabolism slows slightly as you get older. So you may need to decrease your calorie intake or increase your physical activity as you age.

If you're concerned that you have a slow metabolism, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may recommend a test to calculate your BMR, or resting energy expenditure. Medical conditions that can decrease BMR or alter your muscle-to-fat ratio include hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome. A doctor can test for such conditions.
13 September 2007 00:45
hi rosette,
i think slow metabolism =she doesn t burn the calories quick enough !!!!!it doesn t help if she doesn t do any sport (the calories intake stay in her body and they turn into fat)
i think it is just an excuse , i know people like that , they eat alot and they wonder why they don t loose weight , as you said we surrounded by temptations , junk food are everywhere , cheap and nasty eye rolling smileytongue sticking out smiley
everything must be in moderation .(tm)
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