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New solar energy breakthrough magnifies the sun x1,000
26 August 2007 03:54
Author: Van Nadel - Thursday, August 23, 2007

Scientists in Israel create a new solar reflection breakthrough that coul bring an incredible 4,500 watts per square foot.

Professor David Faiman, head of the National Centre for Solar Energy in the Negev desert, Israel, has invented a reflector capable of magnifying the sun a thousand times, thus breaking all records of solar energy production per square foot. According to his calculations, a 12 km area in Israel’s Negev desert would provide enough electricity to serve 1 million people.
Professor David Faiman explains: “The achievement is that we separate out the collection function of a photovoltaic cell to the light conversion to electricity function. When we collect the light, instead of using a huge area of solar cells, we use an equal area of cheap glass mirrors and they are curved in such a way as to concentrate the light onto a very small solar cell, the size of just one cell, and in this way you concentrate the light a thousand times and you can get a thousand times more power out of a small cell”.


see the video

a solution for morocco's need for energy
ONE president is sleeping i think perplexe
26 August 2007 10:23
Jews are very clever!
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