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someone to watch my child for 2 days
26 October 2007 19:37

I am going to be in casablanca for a few days because of bussines. My daughter (6) is coming with me but on some occasions she cant go with me. I want to leave her in a creche or daycare. It will be just for 2 days. Is this a possibility? Or can someone (trusting) babysit her. Please let me know.
26 October 2007 20:14
Some hotels have facilities to care for babies and infants, check with the hotel you're staying in. Or if you have any family, it's still the best option.
26 October 2007 20:46
I don't have any family in casablanca. But i will check with the hotel. But i don't think they have this facility.
27 October 2007 13:56
you need to be careful who you are leaving your child with !!!check with the hotel or look for a nursery with references dont trust anybody , there are some horror stories about child abductions .......etc
the best solution is a trustworthy nursery good luck there are everywhere in casablanca
28 October 2007 17:35
Thank you for youre advise.
31 October 2007 00:56
where located ?
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
31 October 2007 08:52
Money talks.
They will provide an educated woman who can take care of your child. The problem is that there is no insurance or whatever in case something happen. If you mention this aspect, they will tell you:
Everything is in the hand of God.
In Germany they will tell you:Thrusting is good, controlling is better.
So Good luck.
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