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16 June 2006 22:24

What's your opinion about that website and their message?
16 June 2006 22:31
Like most 2nd generation MREs, I don't read arabic, have pity on us. Looks like a forum, what is it about ?
16 June 2006 22:56
It's a forum for muslims who only follow the Quran. They are also called Rabbanian or in English: Quran Aloners. Their message is to clear all added stuff, like the hadith and the sunna, to the Quran and purify it. They only believe in the pure words of God in the Quran.
16 June 2006 23:00
Ok, thanks Tifah. I'm going to stay out of this one, when I read words like "purify", "God" and "Quran", I get nervous.
16 June 2006 23:45
thanks for the url
17 June 2006 00:14
Ok, thanks Tifah. I'm going to stay out of this one, when I read words like "purify", "God" and "Quran", I get nervous.

some tolerance towards religious people who believe in these things won't do you any harm, but I guess you and some of your band ask for tolerance towards homosexuals but don't show ay tolerance towards faithful peole, anyway you are not the first nor the last one.
17 June 2006 00:57
where do you see intolerance in what I said ?
17 June 2006 01:33
Interests differ. It doesn't have to mean that Chelhman is intolerant towards religious people. Maybe he's not interested in those kind of things, because he got his own opinion about religion. Or simply because (I quote) it makes him 'nervous' when people start subjects about religion.
So Marocain_Fier, that means that you're putting words in his mouth. :p
17 June 2006 22:57
Interests differ. It doesn't have to mean that Chelhman is intolerant towards religious people. Maybe he's not interested in those kind of things, because he got his own opinion about religion. Or simply because (I quote) it makes him 'nervous' when people start subjects about religion.
So Marocain_Fier, that means that you're putting words in his mouth. :p

when u become more mature Tifah, come back I'll be happy to discuss with you
18 June 2006 00:48
<<when u become more mature Tifah, come back I'll be happy to discuss with you>>

Don't pick on the girl, answer me. She was only voicing her opinion.
18 June 2006 17:52

when u become more mature Tifah, come back I'll be happy to discuss with you

Oops, I guess I stepped on your toes by correcting you. I noticed from your other posts that you get offended easily. You seem to be very sensitive.

Anyways... did I say something wrong that offended you? If so, what? Let's clear things up.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2006 05:57 by Tifah.
18 June 2006 22:16

when u become more mature Tifah, come back I'll be happy to discuss with you

Oops, I guess I stepped on your toes by correcting you. I noticed from your other posts that you get offended easily. You seem to be very sensitive.

Anyways... did I say something wrong that offended you? If so, what? Let's clear things up.

No u didn't, but as you say I noticed from your other posts that u change ur mind and ideas very easily, and u seem not to be enough mature , maybe ur still young so it doesn't matter, u'll understand one day
19 June 2006 11:07

when u become more mature Tifah, come back I'll be happy to discuss with you

Oops, I guess I stepped on your toes by correcting you. I noticed from your other posts that you get offended easily. You seem to be very sensitive.

Anyways... did I say something wrong that offended you? If so, what? Let's clear things up.

No u didn't, but as you say I noticed from your other posts that u change ur mind and ideas very easily, and u seem not to be enough mature , maybe ur still young so it doesn't matter, u'll understand one day

You really got me confused. Your posting doesn't make any sense to me.

Why do you call me immature? What makes you think I'm immature?
Why do you think I change my mind easily? Please show me what you mean. What other posts of mine made you think that I'm not mature enough and easily change my mind? Copy and paste it here, so that I know what you're talking about.


u'll understand one day

How can I understand if I don't get answers on my questions? You're being really vague.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2006 11:08 by Tifah.
19 June 2006 22:06

what's more worrying is the fact that u don't realize when and where u change ur mind easily, I think it's maybe youth and u might be more careful at what u say when u get more maturity

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2006 10:07 by marocain_fier.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
19 June 2006 23:03
I still don't understand you and you're still being vague. This is the second time that I will ask you to clarify things for me. Or shall I make my own conclusions? Like that you got pissed off when I asked the question about why Moroccan jews left Morocco and that I accused racist Moroccan muslims of this. And what about the many comments I made about Moroccans who are limited in their thinking? And ofcourse I loved the movie Marock who shocked a lot of narrowminded Moroccans. And let's not forget my posting where I claimed that I don't approve with homosexuality, but still respect homos and wish that they get treated fairly.

Pick out what started ticking you off. It has to be one (or more) of those reasons why you started disliking my mentality, am I right?
19 June 2006 23:26
Never mind Tifah, from what you just wrote, there's nothing immature about you. Keep contributing to this forum, every open-minded opinion that helps advance our debates and our country is essential.
19 June 2006 23:33
I think u experiencing the excitement of youth, u looking for your personality and you are still on the transitory path, when u get to the stable regime you will acquire the capacity of self criticism, u will learn how to have your own distinct still coherent opinions and how not to let your moods drive your thinking.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Having a clear faith, based on the creed of religion, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.
20 June 2006 09:34
Dear Chelhman dear Tifah,
After one or two replies want should draw conclusions. It is not a matter of maturity or not. It is a matter of common sense.
Getting nervous about something does not mean you are intolerant.
I get nervous by looking at all these masses watching football, this does not mean I am intolerant toward football.
Emotions can be an obstacle for any logical thinking.
Take care
20 June 2006 09:51
Hi krim,

"Emotions can be an obstacle for any logical thinking."

You're right but in this case I don't think emotions are the cause, I'd say beliefs can also seriously cloud judgments.

P.S : did you watch the documentaries, you think it's worth a separate post ?
20 June 2006 10:08
I think it is Ok If you just give the links to start the discussion.
The one I did watch can be of great interest to many here in the forum.
take care

Hi krim,

"Emotions can be an obstacle for any logical thinking."

You're right but in this case I don't think emotions are the cause, I'd say beliefs can also seriously cloud judgments.

P.S : did you watch the documentaries, you think it's worth a separate post ?
20 June 2006 14:06
hi tifah im not going to writ sth about your subject but where are don't show up online anymore..maybe you wont talk to me any more..i got back from my trip wishing i could find you coz i miss your company..
20 June 2006 14:37
it's funny to see how a discussion about a subject can be traded for another in a matter of lines, I don't understand how someone's opinions make him/her immature? what's maturity has to do with convictions.
Islam is a religion of tolerance and discussions, Mohamed (Salla allahou Alayhi wa Sallam) has never turned his back on anyone even the infidels, he was always open for discussion and the exchange of opinions so that we can agree on becoming more and more true to god.
Tifah has opened a discussion and want to talk about religion in some aspects, and wants to share her likes and dislikes, No one has to agree with her, for example I didn't like the movie Marock and that will not make us ennemies, we can sahre things and that's about it. when we talk about Islam, the only bad thing is to get mistaken about certain realities of the Religion but NOT on convictions, and that will not make one more or less mature.

So guys chill out, and let's talk with regard to the vis-à-vis with lesser useless contradictions.

22 June 2006 12:56
I think u experiencing the excitement of youth, u looking for your personality and you are still on the transitory path, when u get to the stable regime you will acquire the capacity of self criticism, u will learn how to have your own distinct still coherent opinions and how not to let your moods drive your thinking.

You act like you know me, but trust me, you don't. You still ignore a lot of questions, but maybe that means that you actually don't know what to say, so you use the reason 'immaturity' to justify and cover up your words. It's not bad to say that you judged me wrong Marocain_Fier, just be mature about it.

22 June 2006 12:59
Hi krim,

"Emotions can be an obstacle for any logical thinking."

You're right but in this case I don't think emotions are the cause, I'd say beliefs can also seriously cloud judgments.

Now that you said that, it becomes more obvious to me that you're actually right about that.
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