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speaking in english in front of moroccan police !!!!!!!!!!
17 June 2009 17:13
now it s summer i just want to share this experience with you , while crossing from the fairy to tanger a moroccan policemen asked me to show passport which is normal , i did hand the documents and i talked to my husband in english can t remember what i said and the two policemen shouted at me in a very rude way: are you insulting us ????????????don t you respect the moroccan police uniform carry on talking in a foreign language and we will make you desappear for a week Ill
i swear this is true , the sentence i said to my husband nothing to do with them but i think they feel some sort of complexite or something if a moroccan talks in a foreign language , i wasn t intimidated i answered him back thats it s nothing to do with them and that he needs to get a life and learn some manners

my advice to you don t speak in a foreign language in front of moroccan police they are paranoid and they make it a big deal crying(crying(
17 June 2009 17:19
hi there
i think you re right
and it s not their business you can talk in japanese if you want to(hadak rah lehssed b3id 3lik)Bye
17 June 2009 17:22
i talked to them in moroccan but to my husband in english it s nothing to do with them i thought morocco has changed and the mentality of the police has changed as well they dont treat citizens as citizens but it s very obvious they feel superior and look at citizen as inferior to them
they need some systematic change specially the way a policeman treat a citizen

they are so rude angry smiley
17 June 2009 17:26
hi there
is your husband moroccan as well?
well it doesnt matter anyway
cause their job ends when they check the passeports that s it
anything else is (katwelli lebssala)Heu
17 June 2009 17:32
ptdrptdrguess what? it happened to me tooptdr
the gendarme said something to me i didn t quiet hear him and i said : SORRY ptdr a3wed chnou glti
GALLI ACHDAK TGOLI SORRYptdrptdr he thought sorry is an insultmoody smiley
well , that s the new strategie to make some money from people : taygressiw
it s a trick , the policeman pretend he is angry and make some sort of excuse and the citiuzen calm down mate , have you had your coffee and your cigarettes this morning here is a 100DH smoking smiley

it s a game, some people fall for it and give money and some not
so next time a policeman behave like this give him the middle finger and challenge him

ghir fya9at wsafiwinking smiley
17 June 2009 17:45
that s funny
17 June 2009 18:04
This is probably their way to try to get some bakchich as whatsup said ...

I do not think our police has changed a bit from my experience they are always trying it on & using every trick to get your hard earnd money ...once i had a heatead agrument with one of them in the middle of the road in kech & thank god i did not take it further with him as he turned all nice & started telling me how hard life is & blah blah ..............always be assertive with them & stand your ground they will back off
17 June 2009 18:14
thumbs upyes
that s what my husband does with them
17 June 2009 18:32
well just be aware and dont give them any money , they don t deserve it No no

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2009 06:33 by whatsup.
17 June 2009 18:33
dont cry you re still goung to find somebody who cooks themsad smiley
1 July 2009 07:08
i had experienced pretty much the same situation once back in morocco with my happened to me when i talked to my brother who is well-versed in english language in the presence of my uncle.
my uncle got mad and frustrated Oups as he thought we need a private conversation.since that day i realised that switching conversation from language to a different one is unacceptable for some people.
1 July 2009 11:03
i understand you
some people find it rudeNo no
3 July 2009 05:07
you are right guys, myself when I'm in Morocco and it starts from the airplane, I speak to evrybody in Morccan dialect even they speak to me in Frensh, and in the airport evtg darija and I remember one custum asked me if really I was living in USA and if that was my passport and you know what his response"wa le3jeb, 3anedek passport mirikany ou kelamek koulou maghriby, wa kelema waheda machi mirikaniya, wa le3jeb" it was like I was lying to him, for me I try not to use any English word even it's hard not to do it!
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
3 July 2009 08:24
3 July 2009 11:10
you are right guys, myself when I'm in Morocco and it starts from the airplane, I speak to evrybody in Morccan dialect even they speak to me in Frensh, and in the airport evtg darija and I remember one custum asked me if really I was living in USA and if that was my passport and you know what his response"wa le3jeb, 3anedek passport mirikany ou kelamek koulou maghriby, wa kelema waheda machi mirikaniya, wa le3jeb" it was like I was lying to him, for me I try not to use any English word even it's hard not to do it!

no one is saying to speak to moroccan in english , of course in darija maghribia you missing the point here , but in the case we are with people who s moroccan darija is weak or non existing , many times my best friend comes with me to morocco who is not moroccan in this case should i hire a translator for the sake of moroccan police

in my case i spoke to the policeman in moroccan but to my husband in english who was inside the car , so it s not the policeman business at all and i made it clear to him
why we moroccan are so used to the oporession and even the least human right we have to find some sort of way that it s our fault Oh
even chocking things we consider it normal and accept it without objection , we applaud injustice
this is reminding me of the governement interfering in the choice of kids name
unfortunately we have long way to teach people that what they got used to for centuries is not right
people are so passive and have fear of the officials planted in their veins
this police man as whatsup has said has tried to be a smart -------- his duty is passport control and not what language people speak to each other thats a complete private subject nothing to do with him
as we know most police in morocco are blood suckers they thrive on corruption and rachwa



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2009 11:21 by printemps1.
3 July 2009 12:22
give them an inch they take a mile if every one is aware of his rights i don t think morocco will be a third world country , half of the population are illeterate scared from their own shadows , struggling with everyday hassel and bassel
it s just not in our culture to challenge and demand our rights simply because of fear sad smiley
3 July 2009 13:00
when I'm in Morocco and it starts from the airplane, I speak to evrybody in Morccan dialect

the moral of the story of this topicc is not speaking moroccan dialect in morocco , or you flirting with a custom and he is showring you with his compliments about your dialectNo no
printemps 1:i guess a re phrase is a must to avoid mis interpretation and empty lecturing :

does a moroccan citizen has the right to speak to his friend or family in an other language without being threatened by a policeman ???

of course speaking to others will be using the local dialect but the freedom to speak to our friends in an other language or dialect is an obvious right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a citizen is free to speak chinese , spanish , ethiopian , amazigh without some school leaver policeman waves his threatening steak and abuse the power in an unnecessary situation Cool

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2009 01:07 by whatsup.
3 July 2009 13:51
yes that s rightHeu
4 July 2009 05:42
you are right guys, myself when I'm in Morocco and it starts from the airplane, I speak to evrybody in Morccan dialect even they speak to me in Frensh, and in the airport evtg darija and I remember one custum asked me if really I was living in USA and if that was my passport and you know what his response"wa le3jeb, 3anedek passport mirikany ou kelamek koulou maghriby, wa kelema waheda machi mirikaniya, wa le3jeb" it was like I was lying to him, for me I try not to use any English word even it's hard not to do it!

no one is saying to speak to moroccan in english , of course in darija maghribia you missing the point here , but in the case we are with people who s moroccan darija is weak or non existing , many times my best friend comes with me to morocco who is not moroccan in this case should i hire a translator for the sake of moroccan police

in my case i spoke to the policeman in moroccan but to my husband in english who was inside the car , so it s not the policeman business at all and i made it clear to him
why we moroccan are so used to the oporession and even the least human right we have to find some sort of way that it s our fault Oh
even chocking things we consider it normal and accept it without objection , we applaud injustice
this is reminding me of the governement interfering in the choice of kids name
unfortunately we have long way to teach people that what they got used to for centuries is not right
people are so passive and have fear of the officials planted in their veins
this police man as whatsup has said has tried to be a smart -------- his duty is passport control and not what language people speak to each other thats a complete private subject nothing to do with him
as we know most police in morocco are blood suckers they thrive on corruption and rachwa


ok lady, you want the truth why that policeman didn't want you to speak in english, the reason is not which language are you speaking but because you are married to a non-Moroccan, that's all, our Moroccan men don't like to see their girls married to strangers, I 'm not insulting you and I'm not trying to defend anybody, no way! do you think if it was a Moroccan couple, that policeman could behave like that? I don't think so! for them any Moroccan lady married to a stranger is not a good person.
don't get me wrong Ms I'm justing trying to explain!
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
4 July 2009 19:28
ok lady, you want the truth why that policeman didn't want you to speak in english, the reason is not which language are you speaking but because you are married to a non-Moroccan, that's all, our Moroccan men don't like to see their girls married to strangers, I 'm not insulting you and I'm not trying to defend anybody, no way! do you think if it was a Moroccan couple, that policeman could behave like that? I don't think so! for them any Moroccan lady married to a stranger is not a good person.
don't get me wrong Ms I'm justing trying to explain![/quote]

ptdrI love my Hijab

well i think if you love your hijab and you have an ounce of respect toward your religion you wont jump into conclusion judging who am i married to , what nationality what colour , tall or short , thats : 9ellate al adabe , wdkhoule se77a which reflects what sort of environment and what sort of education you had or lack of it obviously this is not unusual for those who think putting a cloth on top of their head makes them a preacher and allah s deputy on this earth and doesn t give you any right to judge people , do you know me ? i hope you feel ashamed from yourself judging and analysing in your narrow shallow way , for your information my husband is more moroccan than you and more muslim than you ,sour Grape i think thats the taste you have on your tongue eye rolling smiley

as whatsup mentioned and i hope you have read it : i respect myself unlike you who flirts whith a custom officer the age of your son , the police officer was making a story because he was after rachwa ,which i am proud to say i never gave anyone rachwa my hands are white thats called values and principles which i m sure you never heard of these human qualities
the second reason because i am not a flirt like you , not on the hunt unlike you for young newly qualified young men in every port you land inwinking smiley

go read your religion properly and look in the mirror no need to be bitter and twisted against others hate and jealousy causes heart problemsmiling smiley

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2009 07:54 by printemps1.
4 July 2009 19:45
grinning smiley::yawdi al 7ijab yawdi

al 7ijabe wnamimmaaaaaaaa wel7asadperplexewa bazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze, i think it s in the blood a moroccan is nmmame wm7sad even if he lives in Jupitus


read sourat al 7assad 9oul a3oudo birappi al fala9 min charri ma khala9grinning smiley
4 July 2009 19:52
ptdrwhatsup you have a wicked sense of humour
Thanks for your valuable advicethumbs up

the sourat + cinq et jeudi 5 foisptdrand of course ignore the barking dogs smiling smiley
6 July 2009 16:20
ok lady, you want the truth why that policeman didn't want you to speak in english, the reason is not which language are you speaking but because you are married to a non-Moroccan, that's all, our Moroccan men don't like to see their girls married to strangers, I 'm not insulting you and I'm not trying to defend anybody, no way! do you think if it was a Moroccan couple, that policeman could behave like that? I don't think so! for them any Moroccan lady married to a stranger is not a good person.
don't get me wrong Ms I'm justing trying to explain![/quote]

ptdrI love my Hijab

well i think if you love your hijab and you have an ounce of respect toward your religion you wont jump into conclusion judging who am i married to , what nationality what colour , tall or short , thats : 9ellate al adabe , wdkhoule se77a which reflects what sort of environment and what sort of education you had or lack of it obviously this is not unusual for those who think putting a cloth on top of their head makes them a preacher and allah s deputy on this earth and doesn t give you any right to judge people , do you know me ? i hope you feel ashamed from yourself judging and analysing in your narrow shallow way , for your information my husband is more moroccan than you and more muslim than you ,sour Grape i think thats the taste you have on your tongue eye rolling smiley

as whatsup mentioned and i hope you have read it : i respect myself unlike you who flirts whith a custom officer the age of your son , the police officer was making a story because he was after rachwa ,which i am proud to say i never gave anyone rachwa my hands are white thats called values and principles which i m sure you never heard of these human qualities
the second reason because i am not a flirt like you , not on the hunt unlike you for young newly qualified young men in every port you land inwinking smiley

go read your religion properly and look in the mirror no need to be bitter and twisted against others hate and jealousy causes heart problemsmiling smiley[/quote]

ptdrptdrptdrptdrptdrptdrnext time they will put a hole in your passportwinking smiley I will tell themCoolCool

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2009 04:22 by NYorkaise.
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
6 July 2009 16:35
grinning smiley::yawdi al 7ijab yawdi

al 7ijabe wnamimmaaaaaaaa wel7asadperplexewa bazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze, i think it s in the blood a moroccan is nmmame wm7sad even if he lives in Jupitus


read sourat al 7assad 9oul a3oudo birappi al fala9 min charri ma khala9grinning smiley
What's up, 7hassad ptdrptdrptdr 3lachemoody smileymoody smiley and from who?ptdrptdr
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
6 July 2009 16:40
ok lady, you want the truth why that policeman didn't want you to speak in english, the reason is not which language are you speaking but because you are married to a non-Moroccan, that's all, our Moroccan men don't like to see their girls married to strangers, I 'm not insulting you and I'm not trying to defend anybody, no way! do you think if it was a Moroccan couple, that policeman could behave like that? I don't think so! for them any Moroccan lady married to a stranger is not a good person.
don't get me wrong Ms I'm justing trying to explain!
ptdrI love my Hijab
well i think if you love your hijab and you have an ounce of respect toward your religion you wont jump into conclusion judging who am i married to , what nationality what colour , tall or short , thats : 9ellate al adabe , wdkhoule se77a which reflects what sort of environment and what sort of education you had or lack of it obviously this is not unusual for those who think putting a cloth on top of their head makes them a preacher and allah s deputy on this earth and doesn t give you any right to judge people , do you know me ? i hope you feel ashamed from yourself judging and analysing in your narrow shallow way , for your information my husband is more moroccan than you and more muslim than you ,sour Grape i think thats the taste you have on your tongue eye rolling smiley

as whatsup mentioned and i hope you have read it : i respect myself unlike you who flirts whith a custom officer the age of your son , the police officer was making a story because he was after rachwa ,which i am proud to say i never gave anyone rachwa my hands are white thats called values and principles which i m sure you never heard of these human qualities
the second reason because i am not a flirt like you , not on the hunt unlike you for young newly qualified young men in every port you land inwinking smiley
go read your religion properly and look in the mirror no need to be bitter and twisted against others hate and jealousy causes heart problemsmiling smiley[/quote]
ptdrptdrptdrptdrthumbs down next time they will put a hole in your passportCoolCool

la nationalite marocaine
Auteur: printemps1 [MP]
Date: le 20 mai 2009 à 10h36

bonjour tout le monde
j ai une question et je ne sais pas ou la poster
comme vous le savez la loi marocaine permet au femme marocaine maintenantt de donner la nationalite marocaine a son enfant s elle est mariee avec un non marocain

je viens d avoir un bebe mon mari est anglais musulman , on a obtenu un passport britanique pour notre bebe je veux savoir est ce que vous croyez que c est une bonne idea que j essaie enregistrer mon bebe a l embassade marocaine afin d obtenir un passport marocain pour lui dans le future ?
je veux savoir les negatives et les positives d avoir la nationalite marocaine a cote de la nationalite european ?
bonne ou mauvaise idea d obtenir la nationalite marocaine ? et qu est ce que mon bebe va benefier si je l enregistre pour qu il devient marocain aussi ?
merci pour vos reponses d avance
et je suis desolee si j ai poste cette question dans ce forum d actualite je sais pas ou est la rubrique convenable pour ma question
Edité 1 fois. Dernière modification le 20-05-09 11h03.
next time try to keep your words or your liesmoody smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2009 04:42 by NYorkaise.
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
6 July 2009 16:46
moroccan nationality
Posted by: printemps1 [PM]
Date: May 20, 2009 10:43AM

hi everybody ,
i just had a baby , my husband is not moroccan he is english so my child have british nationality and a british passport which we received yesterday
i heard that there is a new law in morocco that a moroccan woman has the right to give moroccan nationality to her children
do you think guys this is a good idea if i try to register my son with the moroccan embassy so that he could in the future have a moroccan passport too?
what are the positives and the negatives of having moroccan nationality and an european nationality?

appreciate your opinions


Maghriby men oudenou hade rajel???moody smiley

next time Princessa Spring1, try to understand what people want to say and do not jump to the conclusion!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2009 04:49 by NYorkaise.
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
6 July 2009 16:58
ptdryou are really sad , jealous mentally ill scarfed complex woman , aren t youptdr
does my life really interests you to this degreewhistling smileywhats that got to do with you if i am married to an american , hindou or an algerian or or or any woman in your small brain which i doubt you have any who is married to an no moroccan is a bad person where did you learn that stupid (b i t c h )

my husband is a charming handsom tall prince with beautiful eyes british citizen with no dual nationality , palestinian mother and egyptian father omar sherif look alike winking smileyhope you wont have a heart attack

i understand now why your own mo7ajjabates friends refuse to answer your salam alaikome winking smiley
because they know how nasty you are , they know deep inside you are a cheap whore who doesn t deserve :
wa alaikome salam , a jealous (b i t c h) with no values , before coming here crying a river why other mo7ajjabtes ignorer you go look your ugly wrinkly face in the morror, people like you i just ignore them in the real life or virtually you are a just a looser smiling smiley

9ol aoudo birappi al fala9 min charri ma khala9 smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2009 05:00 by printemps1.
6 July 2009 17:02
no arguments girlsNo no
6 July 2009 17:06
ptdryou are really sad , jealous mentally ill scarfed complex woman , aren t youptdr
does my life really interests you to this degreewhistling smileywhats that got to do with you if i am married to an american , hindou or an algerian or or or any woman in your small brain which i doubt you have any who is married to an no moroccan is a bad person where did you learn that stupid bitch

my husband is a charming handsom tall prince with beautiful eyes british citizen with no dual nationality , palestinian mother and egyptian father omar sherif look alike winking smileyhope you wont have a heart attack

i understand now why your own mo7ajjabates friends refuse to answer your salam alaikome winking smiley
because they know how nasty you are , they know deep inside you are a cheap whore who doesn t deserve :
wa alaikome salam , a jealous bitch with no values , before coming here crying a river why other mo7ajjabtes answer you go look your ugly wrinkly face in the morror, people like i just ignore them in the real life or virtually you are a just a looser smiling smiley

9ol aoudo birappi al fala9 min charri ma khala9 smiling smiley

ptdrptdrptdrptdrptdr who's the whore here you or meptdrptdrmy husband is a charming handsom tall prince with beautiful eyes british citizen with no dual nationality , palestinian mother and egyptian father wili wili, machi british wa palestinian wili wili, the worst people in earthGrrrrGrrrr lalak married to a pure Moroccan 100% marque deposeeWelcomeIn love
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
6 July 2009 17:07
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