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Stand up for GAZA!!! Take Israel leaders to Court!!! Come on! Wake up!
18 January 2009 15:14
This will certainly not be easy for you and me, legally speaking. We've seen worldwide demonstrations to deny what is happening in our beloved land of GAZA and indeed, people really strongly stand up 23 days after this inhuman massacre of inoncent children, women and old people.
International actions will be carried out by Muslim (and none Muslim) organizations worldwide in order to bring (we hope) before the International Criminal Court in The Hague the Israeli war criminals.
Now each one of us has to go a step further in order to show Israel and the whole world that Israel is not above international laws and that each individual is concerned. This is the key point of this topic. No matter whether it is legally feasable or not. We now, and starting from tomorrow Monday 19, must report to local police stations and ask to make complaints in order to take Israel to court for war crime and crime against humanity. The target is to draw local media attention (and much more) to show that it is also an individual approach. This has to be done namely : the ideal procedur is to walk into any police station here in the UK and just say "I would like to make a complaint against Sibty Levni, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert for the murder of children in the GAZA Strip, Palestine..." They may laugh at first, but go ahead and do it.
Please do so and you will see the impact of such an approach.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2009 06:35 by alarabi.
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