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startimes and the hot stuff
5 July 2006 19:58
ok.i see that everybody may have such an idea about !you can guess what may the problem be with this website! yeah,you gotta ask as you like!but the real problem is that it's full of exciting stuff that practically spoils others brains and even way of thinking and behaving !this site really makes available a great space for interesting discussion and all.the real outstriking idea about that is broadcasting such images and doubted events and stories...that aims at captivating others' attention..something like tomb(grave)torture in Islam,something like immediate miraculous revenge from Allah...something silly to mention,at times! in fact,there are some people that pretend to be religious and therefore sinfully exploit any superstitious image or event to show the reality and greatness of Islam! what a pity,then! Does really Islam be in such a dire need to lies and forging things to attract others to real path? verily,after simple investigations,you gotta find such images descending from Vetnamian-American war! and some others from the Japanese reality after nuclear bomb! any more need to lies!
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