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starting a car rental in Morocco
23 April 2022 18:04

I am planing to start a car rental in Morocco. The office has to come in the Region of Oujda, but we will deliver the cars all over Morocco.

I am having experience in the car rental business. I am having from 2018 a car rental in Holland. I want to start now a car rental in Morocco, but I have some questions.

1. I cheked the website of the ministry of transport and they are demanding a Baccalaureaat + 2 years of high school diploma in Morocco or at least 4 years experience in the car rental business. I have a high school diploma from the Netherlands. and more than 4 years experience in the car rental in holland. Do they also allow this diploma from an other country?

2. The second thing they demand is to have a car mechanic working for you. Does this mechanic have to work full time for your company?

3. And about the 500.000dh that will be blocked on the bank account. For how long are they going to block this amount on your bank account.

4. How many years can you rent the cars before it is to old. Do they have some rules about that. I heard that it was 4 years but I am not sure about it.

I hope somebody with a car rental in Morocco or somebody who knows about this rules can help me out.

Thank you!
14 May 2022 09:38

Il Va Falloir Vérifier Les Conditions Qu’On T’Impose Où Créer Une Association Avec Un Marocain, Les Charges Seront Moins Imposantes . Probablement.Et Le Maroc N’Est Pas La Hollande. (Donc La Prudence Et Le Sérieux Sont Indispensable. S’Adresser Toujours Aux Services Concernés Ps: Le Choix De L’Installation Est Important

I am planing to start a car rental in Morocco. The office has to come in the Region of Oujda, but we will deliver the cars all over Morocco.

I am having experience in the car rental business. I am having from 2018 a car rental in Holland. I want to start now a car rental in Morocco, but I have some questions.

1. I cheked the website of the ministry of transport and they are demanding a Baccalaureaat + 2 years of high school diploma in Morocco or at least 4 years experience in the car rental business. I have a high school diploma from the Netherlands. and more than 4 years experience in the car rental in holland. Do they also allow this diploma from an other country?

2. The second thing they demand is to have a car mechanic working for you. Does this mechanic have to work full time for your company?

3. And about the 500.000dh that will be blocked on the bank account. For how long are they going to block this amount on your bank account.

4. How many years can you rent the cars before it is to old. Do they have some rules about that. I heard that it was 4 years but I am not sure about it.

I hope somebody with a car rental in Morocco or somebody who knows about this rules can help me out.

Thank you!
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