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Status of the American schools in Morocco
4 December 2010 15:28
on the occasion of his departure, Mr. Robert P. Jackson, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Rabat
Does nobody know about that bilateral agreement to clarify the status of the American schools in Morocco ?
I heard too much about it ..

We have some unfinished business, too. Recognizing the value of educational alternatives and of English, the United States and Morocco have been negotiating a bilateral agreement to clarify the status of the American schools in Morocco. It is time to finalize that accord. It is also time to promulgate the laws and decrees to allow American universities to operate here more freely. We must ensure that the annual human rights dialogue that I have chaired since late 2007 becomes even more productive. We need to continue to encourage youth and women to take an active interest in politics and in the economy. We need to deepen our cooperation in promoting food security and development not only in Morocco but across Africa. We look forward to expanding our mutual legal assistance and to working even more closely to combat the scourges of trafficking in persons, child labor, corruption, money-laundering and narcotics. We must conclude up-to-date Status of Forces and Shiprider Agreements that address the complex, bilateral and multilateral military operations that were not envisioned in 1787 when the U.S. Congress ratified the United States’ oldest continuous treaty and the first U.S.-Morocco Treaty of Peace and Friendship. We want to help Morocco to attract more tourists and investors. We are anxious to support His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s decentralization and judicial reform programs, especially concerning juvenile justice and alternative sentencing. We will, of course, continue to support United Nations’ efforts to settle the Western Sahara dispute, and, finally, we are actively encouraging regional integration.
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