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summer food
10 June 2009 17:44
what s your favourite summer food
personally i like the paniniChef
11 June 2009 11:36
artichoke salad yummy

fruits : Mango of course are my favourites
11 June 2009 13:45
hi there
i like starwberries and avocadoesperplexe
11 June 2009 14:46
i have strawberries growing in the garden which i have planted last year , but the birds keep coming and eating them crying(i like strawberries too

strawberries are packed with goodness they have more vitamin C than oranges
11 June 2009 14:48
hahahah never mindptdr
2 January 2010 15:38

I m looking for somebody who can translate french to arabic
Please advise
2 January 2010 15:45
Ice-creammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhh

smiling smiley
2 January 2010 20:36

i probably get more calories in winter,i don't think, I eat more but the foods are different. I

cook heavier meals in the winter because they're more time intensive and with it getting so dark

so early I'm inside more. Plus I don't have to worry about the oven competing with the a/c. In the

summer we grill a lot, and eat tons of fresh fruits and veggiesand some ice cream miam miam.
2 January 2010 22:49
sex, coitus and al jima3
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
3 January 2010 04:24
sex, coitus and al jima3

moody smiley
moody smiley
moody smiley
moody smiley
moody smiley

smoking smiley smoking smiley smoking smiley
3 January 2010 19:03
Miam miam do we have to make a choice? there are so many good things...

Ok, I would say my favorite mixed salad : potateos, avocado, cheery tomatos, black olives with fresh pesto sauce (home made of course)!!

Enjoy it.

See you,
3 January 2010 19:40
a pistachio ice creamIn love
"Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire"
3 January 2010 22:44
Nothing more refreshing on a hot summers day than fresh fruit milkshake. It can be made with juice instead of milkthumbs up
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