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swine flu
12 May 2009 17:06
hello everyone
what do you think about the swine flu
do you think it s dangerous?or do you think that it s a normal deasease?
i want to hear you out
i live in england and it s already here
12 May 2009 21:04
Salam Salma,
i see no reason why you should worry about the swine flu living in London.
The Swine Flu came from a child in Mexico who got infected playing with a pork then it spread like crazy in Mexico and California certainly Texas who has a big Mexican-american community who live yards from Mexico.
Where i live, we had like 4 cases and were all treated no problem because people showed up to hospitals and didn't wait..and got medical anti-biotics.
so if you get any flu syndroms, don't wait and take it like a cold, go and see a doctor.
it's an epidimic, you don't play with plagues, viruses and infection...
the best you can do is protection.
13 May 2009 11:11
hi there
well i m not ill (hamdoullah)No no
but i just wanted to know what all of you think
thanx anywayHeu
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