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Tamil Tigers
18 May 2009 14:46
Sri Lanka declares victory over Tamil Tigers, a clear message to all those who think that touching the unity of a country is very straightforward, a walk in the park evil
18 May 2009 16:13
it s a war which lasted 25 years in the recent years the T.T started to plant bombs in all over sri lanka and i think thats when the sri lankan governement had enough and had no choice (the shit hit the fan) and they started loosing any support or sympathy from people
i hope now it s over people can live in peace
loss of human lives is always a price to pay for peace sad smiley
18 May 2009 16:43
wehda jabda lina Global Warming l'akhor jabed lina Tamil Tigers..
Li shaf shi igool Allah ister, bnadem bda ti Are you crazyAre you crazyAre you crazy
18 May 2009 16:57

Distant voices, desperate lives

In the early 1960s, it was the Irish of Derry who would phone late at night, speaking in a single breath, spilling out stories of discrimination and injustice. Who listened to their truth until the violence began? Bengalis from what was then East Pakistan did much the same. Their urgent whispers described terrible state crimes that the news ignored, and they implored us reporters to “let the world know”. Palestinians speaking above the din of crowded rooms in Bethlehem and Beirut asked no more. For me, the most tenacious distant voices have been the Tamils of Sri Lanka, to whom we ought to have listened a very long time ago.

It is only now, as they take to the streets of western cities, and the persecution of their compatriots reaches a crescendo, that we listen, though not intently enough to understand and act. The Sri Lankan government has learned an old lesson from, I suspect, a modern master: Israel. In order to conduct a slaughter, you ensure the pornography is unseen, illicit at best. You ban foreigners and their cameras from Tamil towns like Mulliavaikal, which was bombarded recently by the Sri Lankan army, and you lie that the 75 people killed in the hospital were blown up quite wilfully by a Tamil suicide bomber. You then give reporters a ride into the jungle, providing what in the news business is called a dateline, which suggests an eyewitness account, and you encourage the gullible to disseminate only your version and its lies. Gaza is the model.

From the same masterclass you learn to manipulate the definition of terrorism as a universal menace, thus ingratiating yourself with the “international community” (Washington) as a noble sovereign state blighted by an “insurgency” of mindless fanaticism. The truth and lessons of the past are irrelevant. And having succeeded in persuading the United States and Britain to proscribe your insurgents as terrorists, you affirm you are on the right side of history, regardless of the fact that your government has one of the world’s worst human rights records and practises terrorism by another name. Such is Sri Lanka.

This is not to suggest that those who resist attempts to obliterate them culturally if not actually are innocent in their methods. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have spilt their share of blood and perpetrated their own atrocities. But they are the product, not the cause, of an injustice and a war that long predate them. Neither is Sri Lanka’s civil strife as unfathomable as it is often presented: an ancient religious-ethnic rivalry between the Hindu Tamils and the Buddhist Sinhalese government.

Sri Lanka as British-ruled Ceylon was subjected to a classic divide-and-rule. The British brought Tamils from India as virtual slave labour while building an educated Tamil middle class to run the colony. At independence in 1948, the new political elite, in its rush for power, cultivated ethnic support in a society whose real imperative should have been the eradication of poverty. Language became the spark. The election of a government pledging to replace English, the lingua franca, with Sinhalese was a declaration of war on the Tamils. The new law meant that Tamils almost disappeared from the civil service by 1970; and as “nationalism” seduced parties of both the left and right, discrimination and anti-Tamil riots followed.

The formation of a Tamil resistance, notably the LTTE, the Tamil Tigers, included a demand for a state in the north of the country. The response of the government was judicial killing, torture, disappearances, and more recently, the reported use of cluster bombs and chemical weapons. The Tigers responded with their own crimes, including suicide bombing and kidnapping. In 2002, a ceasefire was agreed, and was held until last year, when the government decided to finish off the Tigers. Tamil civilians were urged to flee to military-run “welfare camps”, which have become the symbol of an entire people under vicious detention, and worse, with nowhere to escape the army’s fury. This is Gaza again, although the historical parallel is the British treatment of Boer women and children more than a century ago, who “died like flies”, as a witness wrote.

Foreign aid workers have been banned from Sri Lanka’s camps, except the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has described a catastrophe in the making. The United Nations says that 60 Tamils a day are being killed in the shelling of a government-declared “no-fire zone”.

In 2003, the Tigers proposed a devolved Interim Self-Governing Authority that included real possibilities for negotiation. Today, the government gives the impression it will use its imminent “victory” to “permanently solve” the “Tamil minority problem”, as many of its more rabid supporters threaten...
18 May 2009 16:58
ptdrptdralla ajiw nhdrou ghir ala DNA derti lina chi appointment , i am ready in the same time look for some saodian to compare it with

amndk matsalni your favourite subject DNA to every moroccan grinning smileyevil
18 May 2009 17:04
why not dude?
Are you too afraid to find out that your dad maybe came from saudi arabia?
Im not afraid of the DNA test cause i have Atlas blood.
Pure Moroccan.
18 May 2009 17:51
weel at last the war has finished
and people can return to their normal life in sri lankaAngel
18 May 2009 18:37
why not dude?
Are you too afraid to find out that your dad maybe came from saudi arabia?
Im not afraid of the DNA test cause i have Atlas blood.
Pure Moroccan.
nopegrinning smileyyou can not get purer amazigh than me my heart is as big as an oceansmiling smiley , racist little hitlers are not amazigh but littel puppets their hearts r hateful and twistedwinking smiley

yes i agree the war is over which means people can start living their lives normal
18 May 2009 20:12
The regular war is over, now comes the times of guirilla warfare and terrorism.

Edit: Watshup and other sane people please don't feed the trolls

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2009 08:13 by Kutchia.
18 May 2009 20:16
why not dude?
Are you too afraid to find out that your dad maybe came from saudi arabia?
Im not afraid of the DNA test cause i have Atlas blood.
Pure Moroccan.
nopegrinning smileyyou can not get purer amazigh than me my heart is as big as an oceansmiling smiley , racist little hitlers are not amazigh but littel puppets their hearts r hateful and twistedwinking smiley

yes i agree the war is over which means people can start living their lives normal
what does heart has to do with it?
your heart can be as big as the universe, but you have to remember where you come from and who your ancestors were..if you forget that, your heart is smaller than a heart of a mouse.
hope u understand.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2009 08:17 by FreeThinker.
18 May 2009 22:40
eye popping smileyeye popping smileyif it makes you happy thats fine maykoune ghir khatrek grinning smileyeven the planet is flat no probs

sujet tamil tigers machi amazighOupsOups
19 May 2009 01:08
You didn't get it, i'll explain it to you in a language you understand.
i hope you understand,
hadok Tamil rahom bhal Amazigh, jaw wehdine wahed nhar men blad khra dakhlo 3lihom, ousta3mrohom belharb oudakhlohom ldine jdid mashi dine dial jdoudhom et Tamil 3jebhom hadak dine, outeb3oh...
daba, fe9dou l'identite dialhom wakha mazal hadak dine 3ajebhom, mashi 7ite hadak dine khaib, mais hadok nas li jabouh khaibine.
daba mhazine mashi 3la 9bol hadak dine li tibghiwh bezaf walakine 3la la culture dialhom li fe9dou.
wash fhamtini daba oula ntarjem lik be japonia?
if you think that Tamil Tigers aka Fighters are terrorists then Amazigh people are terrorists and the palestinians are terrorists..
you got my point?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2009 01:11 by FreeThinker.
19 May 2009 10:31
hey mr thinker
why are you giving us headaches with thisHeu
who cares
everyone is buisySOSNo no
the world dont stop on you
19 May 2009 10:41
free thinker or mr historian No nou u r diverting all streams to ur river what r u inventing here !!!!!!!!!Tamil like amazighptdrthe rest of srilankan are invaders , r u serious ? what d u know about sri lanka history , just try to land on the planet and think a little in a non obsessed racist way stop the victimising CD !

u r a headache in a human form be careful i have a soluble aspirin which may kill ugrinning smiley

ok whatever u absolutely right Coolwhy i bother answer you

take care mate specially of your head Ill
19 May 2009 10:44
thanx mate for sharing my opinionthumbs up
19 May 2009 12:14
free thinker or mr historian No nou u r diverting all streams to ur river what r u inventing here !!!!!!!!!Tamil like amazighptdrthe rest of srilankan are invaders , r u serious ? what d u know about sri lanka history , just try to land on the planet and think a little in a non obsessed racist way stop the victimising CD !

u r a headache in a human form be careful i have a soluble aspirin which may kill ugrinning smiley

ok whatever u absolutely right Coolwhy i bother answer you

take care mate specially of your head Ill
my dear friend, ga3 sefayate tijibo lma men jbel outidioh lwad et lwad tiddih leb7ar.
mais d'ou vient cet eau qui a cree cet ocean?
il vient du montagne mon cher?
le racine.
19 May 2009 13:36
ok ajrada mal7a fin konti sar7aptdr

maaliche never mind allah ynaal chitane jbel welwad wsagia w a3ine aserdoune fkertini b ifrane
j irai cet ete ila ma9tltiniche belf9saptdr
19 May 2009 14:45
never mind about mr thinker
go to ifrane and have a good time and when you come back
you re still going to find him(thinker) talking (khouza3bilat)
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