It seems that freedom and human rights consciousness in some europeen countries and Canada are now prevailing against arbitrary kidnapping, jailing and torturing without any formal charges of any suspect by the Americans, just in the name of "war against terrorism"...2 recent cases let us believe in such change:
I don't believe this will ever end... the documentary "road to guantanamo" shows exactly how any person (moslem) can be kidnaped and held with no trial. guantanamo is a concentration camps, and no country can ever do anything to stop the US of A of performing such acts. More people will be freed, and others will be kidnapped... the news will appear on the papers... and soon forgotten.
alximo, it's very simple... little changes have bad effects, radical changes got excellent or/and horrible effects...
exemple, there is good and bad soldiers in Iraq... some good soldiers deserve the right to arrest or even to shoot everyone... because they are really looking to help and more power they got, the better the situation is...
but the problem is that there is bad soldiers who play cowboys or are hateful morons who could kill for fun... there is worthless scum in every group...
so, by adding these laws... the honest soldiers will be handcuffed... they wont be able to act. and the hateful soldiers will still be able to find excuses to bypass these laws... and do bad stuff anyway...
i think that we need more radical laws or a more radical system... i dont know, but this is too small to give results...