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is there any webmaster...
7 January 2006 13:11
hello and salam alikom

i have created my personal site-web during the christmas vacation, in home as i have the FrontPage logiciel. now i want to publish it. but i do not know how to do? as i do not have net in home

thanks and get well
7 January 2006 17:30
HI Nassim-jalal

To publish your web side so any body can see it, you have two ways.

1-to create you own server is the hard way said you dont have internet home, so we forget about it.

2-is to loge your self in web server. you can cheek for web host. then you buy a domain "you webside name" like or .fr it depend what you want.
and with an FTP program you upoad your side to that server you rent ..that all

any complication you pm me ..

7 January 2006 20:24
i agree with what Aziz_dk said
and if this is just a personal website you dont have to buy the domain check those who provide free space such as geocities ... there are so many of them but this is not recomended if you need it for business purposes
The times may seem dark & gloomy... but I know I have it on me, to make it to brighter days --- never lose hope Diminished Ovarian Reserve FSH: 5.7 LH: 2 17-06-2009: C3 ultrasound 7 antral follicules
29 January 2006 19:03
you can find the FTP software by downloading it in
like FTP cuter and after you suscribe your host name and select all pages to send for example to: o sthg else
by the way wlecome to the virtual areasmiling smiley
31 January 2006 04:10
go get smartftp from any download website, just google it

best of ftp client ftp
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