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23 October 2006 11:58
The International forum for Islamic Dialogue (IFID), the Muslim Institute and the City Circle are hosting a seminar on:

"Islam and State: Rethinking Muslim Politics". The speaker is Dr Asghar Ali Engineer**

Date: Tuesday- 31 October 2006
Time: 6.45pm-9pm
Venue: Main Hall (Ground Floor), 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP.


Join us for this fascinating insight into the role of governance in Islam and the 20th century Muslim obsession with creating an 'Islamic State' - an obsession that continues to this day. The following questions will be explored: What is the problem of governance (hukuma)? Is it indispensable for Islamic faith?
What is the relationship between Islam and the state? Is the purpose of Islam to create an 'Islamic state', a modern day Caliphate, as Islamic movements throughout the world have maintained? Why have all 'Islamic states' in contemporary times failed, and failed so spectacularly? Did the Prophet create a 'state' or to empower a community? Are notions such as 'democracy' and 'human rights' alien to Islam? What are their relationship with the Muslim faith and Muslim History? Can Islam and secularism exist side by side? What is the purpose and goal of politics in an Islamic society? What is the notion of political accountability in Islam?

** Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer is a distinguished scholar who was born in Rajasthan, India in a Muslim Alim's family and trained in Tafsir, Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. Later on went for secular education and obtained degree in civil Engineering from Indore, India. He served as civil engineer in Mumbai for 20 years.
Got involved in movement for inter-religious harmony and has been working for inter-religious harmony for last 40 years.

He speaks several languages English, Urdu, Gujarati, Marathi, Arabic and Persian.

Has published 51 books on Islam and inter-religious problems in India, South and South East Asia. He contributes regular articles to several news papers and research journals.

He was awarded several awards including Right Livelihood Award given by a Swedish Foundation also known as alternate Noble Award. He was also given National Communal Harmony Award, Govt. of India.

He was conferred Hon.D.Litt by Calcutta University and also by Jamia Hamdard University, Delhi.

He has lectured in several universities throughout the world.

Directions: Come out of Edgware Road Underground Station
Bakerloo, Hammersmith & City and Circle line) on to Edgware Road. Turn
left and walk up for a few minutes until you see Cafe Nero. Crawford
Place will be on your left. Turn into Crawford Place and num

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2006 12:04 by Krim.
23 October 2006 14:55
For sure this is an interesting debate. But my question is this: we, the people can do nothing to change what the governments are doing. They are the ones that should change their mentality. About the west? instead of trying to make a soft transition for those moslems (i.e. the radicals) and bring them to share the opinions that it is for their own sake to adapt to western culture. What they do is just throw more gas in it. Examples: the 2 wars, the pictures of the profet, the comments by the pope, the comments of jack straw, the same for Prodi in italy. This will not stop now, until both side reach waht they aim for... a clash of religions, two sides (Bush is already in it, he is the starter).
23 October 2006 16:12
Check what Gerhard Schroeder, the former German chancellor said in an interview with Der Speigel:

"We rightly criticise that in most Islamic states, the role of religion for society and the character of the rule of law are not clearly separated,"

"But we fail to recognize that in the USA, the Christian fundamentalists and their interpretation of the Bible have similar tendencies" he added..
23 October 2006 16:20
Hi Riffman,

I saw that this morning when I was browsing the international press, there's an article about it on an algerian newspaper :

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