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Title & Novel's Life
30 October 2006 16:47

Immagine you want to write a novel about your life.
What will be the impressive title?

For instance, Gone With the Wind, a Deja Vu life, ... ?

What do you think?

30 October 2006 21:49
Hi all,

living in the wrong time....with the wrong people smiling smiley.....
31 October 2006 01:06
Hi All,

I get the point, you mean,
"It's not my life, but it's my novel"
31 October 2006 20:23
You don't write a novel about yourself. You write an autobiography, I think. Because gone with the wind was a fiction. My autobiographies' titles will be these: A proud Muslim in the US, a proud Arab in the US, a proud African in the US and a proud Moroccan in the US. Because I'm proud to be all these.
1 November 2006 14:12
Well the Novel will be "Le pain nu", but unfortunately somebody else wrote it before I. LOL
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