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Today is my birthday
7 April 2007 06:56
Hello everyone,
today is my 21st birthday and I wanted to share this moment with you guys smiling smiley call me crazy if u want but i'm not smiling smiley
7 April 2007 17:19
Happy Bday Caranberry and many more to come in shaa allah, enjoy it these are the best years of ones life.
7 April 2007 18:56
thank u so much fabaraw smiling smiley
7 April 2007 23:44
Happy birthday Cranberry. You you celebrated it live with friends and not only shared it with other forum members.

Sbs, it's sad to see how life can make some us so uncharitable. When we are 21, we are very young, spontaneous and idealistic and we don't need undeserved harsh treatment.
8 April 2007 04:52
thank u shireen, i celebrated with friends, and thought it was a good idea to share that moments with friends in the forum as well, it was awesome, i had two surprise parties one from friends and the other one from family.
thank u to all of u
9 April 2007 19:25
Mieux vaut tard que jamais, alors bon anniversaire, tu m'avais déjà souhaité le mien et je t'en remercie...bonheur, paix et prospérité.....smiling smiley
9 April 2007 20:26
10 April 2007 03:11
Hapy Bday Cranberry, may Allah bring you happiness and wealth (and health of course) ! Ameen !! wi 7addharni fi 3arsak ! grinning smiley
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