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25 August 2007 00:20
hi, i am samai have licsence in english littreature and i need some informations about tofel when where how i can regester and tarifs,sits which can help me to prepaire ,and if there are two kinds of exams one international and other not thank yuo
26 August 2007 18:25
tarif international 130 dollars americain donc a peu pres 105 euros.
S'inscrire online voila l'adresse et tu choisi ton pays :

good luck
26 August 2007 19:09
go to amideast, they'll give u the necessary information, plus u need to do it as soon as u can because the toel exam have particular dates and u need to register for that, and concerning the preparation, i would suggest that u take a class in amideast, there are good professors in there.
Good luck,
by the way, why do u wanna take the toefl, is it to study in the US? anyways, u'll need to have a score of 550.
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