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Toronto la belle ville
21 September 2006 00:41
I'm in Toronto.
Nice town, Ican say, Toronto is Zurich of Canada.

Have fun.

21 September 2006 22:41
lucky in in this boring holland..i hate it here
26 September 2006 01:13
well, easy buddy, TO is certainly big but not great, I mean besides the financial district, the beaches and the waterfront, there's not much to see
Montreal and Vancouver r sooo much beautiful
15 October 2006 03:44
salam everyone,

Everything is great in TO , I love that city .
16 October 2006 19:57
Thanks Sarah.

Toronto is the best town in the world.
I have only two months here I love Toronto.


Toronto the best.
17 October 2006 06:04
I feel I belong to TO same as I do for Casa .winking smiley
18 October 2006 01:42
i'm never been in Toronto but i think Paris and Rome are the very beautiful city in the worls and Oujda the very dirty that i'm never seen yet but its my born city i like it.smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley
18 October 2006 08:00
Having visited Toronto this summer, sincerly nothing to write home about.
I'm currently living in Calgary Alberta, many similarities, I just can get used to North American cities.
I've been travelling all around the world, my favorties are :

North Africa : Tetouan ( my parents' homeland is Souss agadir )
Middle East : Dubai
Europe : Florence, Rome, Paris ( my place ), Edinburgh,
South East Asia : Kuala Lumpour
North America : None
South America : Cancun
18 October 2006 15:25
In toronto you have more that 70 languages.
All the world here.

Can you imagine a town that have all people of the earth.
18 October 2006 23:41
salam alaykum

You get right to the point, thank you eFaysal .
Toronto is everyone city you never feel stranger here .personally I am willing "to go the extra mile for TO.
19 October 2006 03:09
What's the weather forecast in Toronto for this week end ??
Yes being polyglot doesn't keep warm ?
19 October 2006 15:05

I ve a goog picture of vancouver city, i thinkk that it's beatiful city, maybe the best, but I've never been in Canada, lol.

My only reasons to give this vision is that i discoverde vancourer in piture.

To finish, excuse my poor english i try to learn or perfect it, especially in writing expression smiling smiley
[hr] [b][center]Si perçante soit la vue, on ne se voit jamais de dos[/center][/b][b]Boycottez pour la paix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [color=#FF0000]Boycottez!!!!!!!!![/color][color=#FFFFFF]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color] [color=#009900]Boycottez pour les enfants de Gaza!!!!!![/color][/b]
14 November 2006 02:52
My Home Town/City is the Best City in the Entire World, Man Oh! Man if you have been in this City & you didn't Like Must be A Quick Visit you did or Someone/Something was bothering you OR you Just Do Not Know The Good From The Bad "Sorry" it is The Truth, Living in this Beautiful City for More then 15 years I can Witness to what I am Saying & Prouve to you any way/shape you Like, Toronto, is a way Beter & Clean then many place I have seen with my own eyes and the Big Apple is Dirthy, Not As Clean As Beautiful T.O., Been to Ottwa, Montreal, well Montreal is Good for Fun ONLY nothing but that, No Jobs there, Also Rasist People in Montreal if you do not Know French Do Not Attemp going to certain streets they will not Talk to You in English Even if the Know it By Heart Stupidity I have Seen it with My Own Eyes, What Else, All the Eastern States of the US are O.K., Dallas is Nice too, But Toronto is The Best of them All,
24 April 2007 17:36
My first winter in toronto was perfect.

Any one with some useful ideas how to enjoy Summer In Toronto.

Best regards.
14 May 2007 11:34
Hello Bros,

Well it's certainly arguable about which city is the best in the world/canada or most romantic or whatever. It depends on individual choices, what is best to me, might not be best for others.

Anyway i can give you my opinion...

I have lived in Toronto for few years and i have lived in Vancouver for a year. Toronto might be more commercial/populated than Vancouver but Vancover is definitely much much more beautiful and the people are great.

Have fun...
14 May 2007 21:17
Assalam ALikoum;
Salut Comment Ca Va & How Are U Doing ?
Yes Vancouver is So Nice I was Told I am invited 2 Visit Vancouver This Summer 2007 insha-ALLAH,
I Am So Exited About it & I shall Let U Know My Opinion After, cause I am gonna Like it Since they Have Water Over There & many Things 2 Do & See & Meet The Muslims From There insha-ALLAH,
Masha-ALLAH, Thanks 4 Commenting, Gracious, Merci, Later insha-LALAH
15 May 2007 08:10
W'Alikoum Salaam,

Fine, Thank you. How about you?

Well good for you, you are visiting a good city..I'm sure you are going to have fun over there. Take care. Ciao....
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