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Torrential rain
21 September 2008 23:27

i was joking about torrential rain last time, and you know what we had some over here in Lblad, khouk shriif tongue sticking out smiley , i should stop such jokes, the weather is nice after two crazy Ra3das, but some poor people suffered from them, you know how our infrastructures are.. allah ikoun f3wan those living inside the old mdina, infrastructure there is still the same used by Almoravides...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
22 September 2008 10:57
Ataslim a moulay charif !!!!

I'am more happy to have the infrastrures left by Almoravides than the ones our boys are building now !
do you remimnber a couple of years ago when the new built Motorway near Settat gave away once we had a bit of rain ?
22 September 2008 11:13
I heard about this moulay,

there is also the story of the bridge on Tansift river near la palmeraie, there was and still is a bridge built by the Almoravides, still standing uptill now, in the 80's, local authorities built a new one and you know what, they had to rebuild it the next year as it seemed not able to stand and apparently was crumbling, in the meanwhile, the almoravides bridge is still there..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
22 September 2008 11:15

i should stop such jokes

Please don't. Keep doing it and possibly some big jokes on Souss, in the area of Tiznit we haven't seen decent rain for years, olive trees are dying, gardens are shrinking year after year, houses are deserted by the new generations until they collapse. So we wouldn't mind torrential rains, at this point we wouldn't mind even tornadoes as long as floods come with it.
22 September 2008 11:32
Hi chelhman,

the problem is that only "deep" morocco suffers from these rains, in both cases, drought or torrential rain, they driven away,

Also, i have a lot souassa friends, if i make jokes on souss and it works it would be fine, if not they will kill me....
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
22 September 2008 11:41

if not they will kill me....

If your jokes bring rain, as a Soussi I'm giving you total immunity, no one will touch you, and I don't have to tell you what a word given by a Soussi is worth...smiling smiley
22 September 2008 11:47
Igout oumdlou walla izzillid, igouten wagegen walla ousmane, yak ...

iwa assidi, in this case, allah irahm all morocco, and sudan as well smiling smiley,our people badly need it, besides, for us city dwellers, the weather here is very nice and pollution is less heavy after two days of rain...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
22 September 2008 11:56
Moulay Hicham

I was told the story about this old "mol Koutchi" i knew tru a freind & he told us once while he was taking us for a tour near Palmeraie in his Marakchi accent " wa chouf al gantra li bnaw al mow7idine mazal magfa 9orone hadi ! wali bnaw dialna raha rabate !!! Allah ira7mo ....

I do agree that the rain & Marrakech do not go together as i have being there & all he road were flooded in no time & this was in the new city ..........
But on a more serious note allah yar7am 3ibadaho wa bahimatah fi Souss + all over Morocco
22 September 2008 12:05
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
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