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Travel revenues stood at USD 4.5Bn in 9 months
6 November 2006 20:44
Travel revenues stood at USD 4.5Bn in 9 months
Rabat, Nov. 4 - Travel revenues have earned in the nine first month of 2006 about MAD 40.40Bn, or USD 4.5Bn, increasing 25.8% from the figures of the same period of last year, according to the "Office des Changes".

The exchange-monitoring department said money transfers of Moroccans residing abroad to home stood at the end of the three 2006 quarters at MAD 35.53Bn, a 15% rise from last year.

In September, travel revenues dropped 7.8% to MAD 3.55Bn and expatriate remittance dropped too to MAD 3.45bn from MAD 3.48bn, the same month the pervious year (- 27.9%).

Comparing the average revenues of January to September of 2001 to 2005, travel revenues grew 59.8%, while expatriate money transfer increased 30.1%.
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