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the new trend?
19 October 2006 12:07
Hi everyone,

Dear almot,

your message shows how angry you are that makes you lose control ...this is not good….I’m wondering why are you so angry ? …did I offend you? I don't think so!... I’m just telling my opinion which you didn’t like ?…. no problem but this doesn’t give you the right to judge me because no one is in the position to judge anyone else no matter how old , how bright or how experienced he /she may be…..everyone in this forum has the right to say “honestly ” his/her opinion… doesn’t give you the right to answer for somebody else either ….the first 2 messages were not for you ….sorry….

you think I have difficulties to connect my ideas or I got drifted by the flow? I could say you have difficulties to understand others and you are so fixed in your ideas that you won’t get the changes in the new world but I won’t because again why should I judge you….no interest……

I’m not going to talk about all your points I don’t agree with …don’t have enough time…..

as for the relation between economy , social problems and the religion….if you think deeply and above all look how people live in our beloved country you would certainly notice that we are so busy with the religion that we miss our choking reality …...a large part of our population and entire areas of the country live in conditions of poverty & marginalisation incompatible with a dignified and descent life… urban slum,…illiteracy…corruption ….unemployment prostitution….minor prostitution ….child work ...thousand and thousand of families in cities and rural have bad or no access to basic infrastructure , health, education, water, electricity, healthy housing…..where is the social justice that the religion claims? …the religion didn’t help much in my opinion( this doesn’t mean I don’t believe on God!)…..when you see a couple of rich people having more than enough for living while on the other side of the city thousand of pore people got nothing and guess what most of those rich people don’t miss one single prayer….where is the sense of the religion in this case?…..the religion seems to be used to mask many injustices and to keep the population quit taking their attention away from the main issues…… I realized that most people who wanna teach the religion got everything…… the education, the security, a job, a stable life ….so there is nothing to worry about …..there is enough time to think about spirituals issues….but then when you have nothing to eat the story is different…..

our country needs a bit of liberesation to catch up and to face the different new challenges …not only an economical and social liberation but also the way its people think…….

P.S.1 you are protesting against girls wearing a tight jeans and a top…I suppose you live in a western country right? … must be used to this picture…it’s like you’ve just seen it for the first time!… Is that not a controversy?

P.S.2 I’ll take your advice even they were offending simply because I learned to accept and to respect other people and their point of view even when it’s radically different from my….this is may be the difference between open minded and conservative people……

finally : sorry aziz-dk for the “i” on the end of Aziz wasn’t my attention ....I ‘ve edited it....
19 October 2006 12:42
Ilhem2, Krim,

That wasn't Almot, that was almond01.
I've read Almot on many occasions here, unless he fell on his head, I don't think he would have changed his views so radically.

But almond01 can correct us here.
19 October 2006 14:15
Ilhem2, Krim,

That wasn't Almot, that was almond01.
I've read Almot on many occasions here, unless he fell on his head, I don't think he would have changed his views so radically.

But almond01 can correct us here.


thanks for the remark... you may be right cause I know a bit Almotanabi...this time the ton was different.......

if so ....sorry Almot for confusing you with almond01....if you're reading us pls confirm.....
19 October 2006 14:46
Dear Chelhman
I noticed the confusion that´s whay I asked.
I thought Ilhem is probably getting MP from Almot.

quote chelhman]Ilhem2, Krim,

That wasn't Almot, that was almond01.
I've read Almot on many occasions here, unless he fell on his head, I don't think he would have changed his views so radically.

But almond01 can correct us here.[/quote]
20 October 2006 18:22
Well, I need to participate in this topic... I is true that the scarf became a trend in the 90s, the reason... I don't know, maybe Chelhman is right. In my hometown I had never seen a girl or woman scarf, only the ones that were married to a strict moslem (and that was very little). Nowadays it seems that most girls wear the scarf, if it is their choice, then fine by me. Another things which bothers me most is to generalize morrocans as being arabs, and worse is when we stick to the past... i.e. we had, we did, we were, etc... we are not moving folks, we are in the 21 century, not in the 13 or 14th.
21 October 2006 15:14
Hi Aziz,

I don’t agree when you said “… it’s difficult for a girl to walk without being followed or disturbed..” you just need to go to Ma’arif or la cote in casa you will see how free are our girls and how open-minded are our boys ….. besides, if a girl is properly dressed no one will touch her….however it could be very possible that some girls put the hijab to get married or indeed to attract the golf people (I’v seen it with my own eyes in la corniche ) which shows perfectly that we are not that religious that seems to be…again people are using the religion for bad attention or at least for not religious matters

hi Ilhem
I really don´t know which part of Maarif and Ain Diab you talking about. I grow up there and there are the capital of harassment twin center,Venizia, rue Jura, even Brahim Roudani. People go to ain diab for that matter, they drive slow just to pick up girls.
and believe me those guys dont make difference between pick up girl "prossssss" or a homey girl those ones that just wanna take a walk with there familly "brother or husband".

I guess we miss understood each other in the word or harassing girls. Girls normally take it as a complement "so they think : (wow!! every time I go out, guys keep bodring me.... it must be my nice body or my beauty). is a way to build there self estime.

I dont understand why people complaining about relegion should be a part of our day. as the matter of pact it has never been.

We are muslim country but we are fare away from the practice, i am talking about real practice, respect, support each other, pray to Allah and think him for what and where we are, Islam is a constitution Law.

the problem we are more affraid to be cut by police that ALLAH.

PS. We talk about freedom of speech, freedom of to do what we want. if we accept girl to wear short and tigh jeans, so let accept others that want to wear Hijab. "after all is women right!"

or we have to suck up to the west and show them we are following them.. hm hm hm hm ..
23 October 2006 00:16
Hi all,


hi Ilhem

I really don´t know which part of Maarif and Ain Diab you talking about. I grow up there and there are the capital of harassment twin center,Venizia, rue Jura, even Brahim Roudani. People go to ain diab for that matter, they drive slow just to pick up girls.
and believe me those guys dont make difference between pick up girl "prossssss" or a homey girl those ones that just wanna take a walk with there familly "brother or husband".

I guess we miss understood each other in the word or harassing girls. Girls normally take it as a complement "so they think : (wow!! every time I go out, guys keep bodring me.... it must be my nice body or my beauty). is a way to build there self estime.

I dont understand why people complaining about relegion should be a part of our day. as the matter of pact it has never been.

We are muslim country but we are fare away from the practice, i am talking about real practice, respect, support each other, pray to Allah and think him for what and where we are, Islam is a constitution Law.

the problem we are more affraid to be cut by police that ALLAH.

PS. We talk about freedom of speech, freedom of to do what we want. if we accept girl to wear short and tigh jeans, so let accept others that want to wear Hijab. "after all is women right!"

or we have to suck up to the west and show them we are following them.. hm hm hm hm ..

Hi Aziz,

I’m talking about the same areas you’ve mentioned before....girls walking dressed in last fashioned look ...just like in Europe…. the boys too by the way.....sure a lot of boys would tray to pick up some girls who are there for that like everywhere….. but a lot of girls walking there are from rich families they go there for shopping….to see and to be seen …certainly if they are bothered by boys you won’t see this areas so crowded….. however I agree with when you said “…I dont understand why people complaining about relegion should be a part of our day. as the matter of pact it has never been….” the most strange thing in the whole story is you will find the majority of those people who are complaining located outside the country!? …is that not a controversy?… I talked to many people in morocco at different ages…with different cultural levels ….from different social classes ….the dominating topic is not the religion …people are much more worried about future …perspectives for their children…how to improve the situation of the country….so I’m wondering if those, who claim morocco is a Muslim country and should follow the religion, if they don’t have themselves more a problem of identity than of the religion…….

As for the freedom…..of course …everyone should be accepted …those with the veil as well…but moderate….not too much……not every second girl… looks unbalanced…..

fianlly, I think we don’t need to follow the west cause we have our identity ….we just need to be compatible with……if we want to improve the country…..
23 October 2006 17:55
It is not really a trend, but just a small piece of this long list of contractions in the Moroccan society. Moroccans, in their search for an Identity, are scattered between so many contradictions: modernity vs tradition, Western valuesand Islamic values, Hijab vs Mini-Jupe, Secularism vs Islamism, Jazeera/Iqraa vs TF1/France Televisions ...etc and we are excellent in joining the extremes most of time. We did not say long time ago that Morocco is a land of contrast?

A nice Dossier published on Telquel-online, about the problem of identitiy for many Moroccans:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2006 05:57 by alximo.
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