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U.S. unemployment has hit 13.7 million
12 May 2009 14:37
The situation is set to get worst, if you have a job then stick to it grinning smiley


Actual U.S. Unemployment: 15.8% moody smiley

This morning's news that U.S. unemployment has hit 13.7 million, pushing the rate to 8.9 percent, tells only half the story of this recession.

The total number of Americans who are not working full-time but ought to be is actually about 22 million, or 15.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. tongue sticking out smiley

Who are those other 8.3 million Americans? Call them the unofficially unemployed.

As The Ticker points out each time the Bureau releases the monthly unemployment figure, it does not include many out-of-work Americans.
12 May 2009 15:35
hi fcurrito
i m with you mate the recession has affected the uk as well
but if you re still working then you are luckywinking smiley
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