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visa for Australia, the hic!!!
26 December 2009 02:08

i'm Moroccan living in China. my wife got an offer letter to persue her doctorate in Australia and now we are about to procced with her student's visa and my visitor's visa as i can follow her being her forms i've to fill there is a question that's makes me feel worried. Have you been denied a visa to Australia or any other country?. in fact i've been denied a tourist visa to France 8 years ago at Fes consulate in Morocco. i'm afraid to be denied a visa to Australia again just because of this. if i say yes in the form i think my chances to be refused a visa is big. i'm thinking of saying NO but then still afraid they may trace my record to find out the opposite. in your opinion can they do that knowing i renewed my passport and there's no notation of denied visa to France. is there a database of generated system where denied visa is recorded so they will be able to check it?

it's urgent so i'll be thankful and grateful to any help or ideas.

29 December 2009 12:55
australia is not a member of the EU
as far as i know just the european countries have a shared immigration database
29 December 2009 15:43

I would say like naughtymesmiling smiley.
And it's been 8 years now.
I would say No as you.

Good luck,
4 March 2010 01:01
Good morning Brothers and sisters, How are you all doing ?. Well, i am sure that you do not know me yet but i am here to share my story with you. i am a Moroccan man. The reason i got on yabiladi is that i have been looking for Moroccans who live in Australia. I am married to an Australian woman and inshallah will be travelling soon to be with her as the decision to be granted the visa was taken on the 15 of February ( last month ) . Now, i want to know about the process to get the visa as you know, here in Morocco, we do not have neither an Australian embassy nor consulat,..and about the time left to get it,,, are they going to ask me to travel to Egypt or to france or to get or they will have to send it to me to the Canadian Embassy in Rabat where i will have to go to get it..i will be more than happy to hear back from you.
5 March 2010 13:52
un conseil pas de mensonge dis oui parce que je connais pas de gens a qui on a refuse le visa a cause de ca et pur toujours c est tres important de dire la verite
5 March 2010 19:45
Hi there, no DO NOT LIE!!!! answer the question with honesty, because they can actually look at your record and they can easily find out, I have a brother who lives in Belguim he had been denied for a US visa like 4 times, he wanted to come and visit me here in USA, he was denied when he was back in Morocco, Casablanca, after he moved to Belguim 4 years ago, he applied again and they asked him the same question he kind of got worried too, he asked me what should I say, I said answer the question with honesyt, since it is very hard for us to get a tourist visa specially to the USA, when he went there for his appointment the lady pulled up his record and told him why were u denied 4 times before and why were also denied for another visa which was france also, so that tells me they can pull up all your record, if I were you I would say the truth, and when I go there I'll tell them why I was denied, my brother told them the truth, he told them that 2 times he tried because he wanted to study and another time he wanted to visit, and it wasn't a problem they said ok, and they just gave him 1 year and they told him we will give you more the next time you come. So they will make sure he will be back, So I think you may be in the same situation as my brother been before. Just say the truth and I'm positive they won't denied it since they know that you guys won't be staying there for long smiling smiley. Good luck my friend
5 March 2010 22:22
Good morning Brothers and sisters, How are you all doing ?. Well, i am sure that you do not know me yet but i am here to share my story with you. i am a Moroccan man. The reason i got on yabiladi is that i have been looking for Moroccans who live in Australia. I am married to an Australian woman and inshallah will be travelling soon to be with her as the decision to be granted the visa was taken on the 15 of February ( last month ) . Now, i want to know about the process to get the visa as you know, here in Morocco, we do not have neither an Australian embassy nor consulat,..and about the time left to get it,,, are they going to ask me to travel to Egypt or to france or to get or they will have to send it to me to the Canadian Embassy in Rabat where i will have to go to get it..i will be more than happy to hear back from you.
5 March 2010 22:24
can anyone help what my previous posted messages, i need to know if u can help i will appreciate it a lot guys
18 April 2010 07:49
Moroccan living in China wow ...I am actually studying mandarin Chinese , I am also running a blog about the Chinese economy and investments in China [] . I doubt you can access it from mainland China due to the internet censorship but you are always welcome to drop by...
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