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i want study english?
30 September 2006 16:25
i hop speak english very well
i need english for every thing because know i live in usa
makanfham walou?moody smiley
i need a help
30 September 2006 21:04
i hop speak english very well
i need english for every thing because know i live in usa
makanfham walou?moody smiley
i need a help

grinning smileyALLAHi3awneke
[color=#CC6666][b][center]Il y a, dans la création des cieux et de la terre et dans la succession de la nuit et du jour, des signes pour ceux qui sont doués d'intelligence _ sourate 3/verset 190[/center][/color][/b]
8 October 2006 16:54
10 October 2006 10:18
déja study not stady


je susi nul pareil lol
25 November 2006 15:30
ohhhhh mé c facile l'englais!!!!!
25 November 2006 21:05
t'es ds le petrin comme on dit grinning smiley
30 November 2006 16:07
good luck my freind
30 November 2006 23:39
salam ana la a3rife ma had
1 December 2006 01:19
me too just start reading !!
Etre un peu..où ne pas être du tt c'est ça la question!!!
1 December 2006 14:37
i hop speak english very well
i need english for every thing because know i live in usa
makanfham walou?moody smiley
i need a help
je pense qu'il faudrait plutot dire : " I hope that I will speak English very well. I need to speak English for everything because now I live in the USA".
corrigez moi si je me trompe
1 December 2006 15:46
tlabt minkoum mousa3ada machi hlan alfoum oulhadra bla9yasssangry smileyangry smiley
jdtou fih chi chwiyaconfused smiley
4 December 2006 11:05
tlabt minkoum mousa3ada machi hlan alfoum oulhadra bla9yasssangry smileyangry smiley
jdtou fih chi chwiyaconfused smiley
j'ai pas compris. j'espere que tu m'a pas insultee au moins...
5 December 2006 08:50
good luck linda...
ce qui t arrive est tt a fait passe avec le temps...essayes de regarder bcp de surtout lire des livres ou magazines en anglais....
hope u ll be fine..and try not to get stressed over it..
6 December 2006 16:44
thank you so much
29 January 2007 04:58
it is a great idea and very rewarding thing to do for long term is not as hard as it seems to be.try to read a lot and never keep a handy dictionnary out of your reach.i suggest that you start jotting down every daily situations you live.and find solution at your spare time if you have any so you avoid them in the future inchallah the earliest you start the better are your chances to assimilate and hopefully master the english especially if you have a good knowledge of your departure language which is the french,,,.anyways all the best to the u.s.a. fellowcoutrywoman.(tm).bye.
29 January 2007 13:39
dont worry. English isnt a hard language.

but it's a rich language. unlike French, English have a rich vocabulary. but it's not so subtle. take your time. it takes time to learn a language.

good luck, and get a dictionnary and some paper... always have some paper on you.
31 January 2007 11:12
Well if you're in USA now don't worry it's just a matter of time, english is quite easy especially if noone around you speaks another language. All you have to do is talk (even to ppl you don't know) and avoid being with moroccan ppl only! Get a dictionnary and some books..... well... even if you're too lazy to read some books, you can just sit in front of your TV and try to understand what they say!
2 February 2007 09:59
Well if you have some time, I would suggest that you register for ESL classes in a community college or High School by you. You may qualify for financial aid if you can afford it. There are also some churches that offer English classes for free, And yes you dont have to be christian or convert, they do it just to help people.
The other thing I would suggest is watch TV and listen to Radio talk program in you Car ....

English is easy, you just have to have the will

Good Luck
3 February 2007 19:38
first English and American language are boot a good languages ,now English is not difficult to study
it's depend on you only.
I now maybe English it's dream for you but without school you will see haw to lean progressively and how to avoid translation try to relay on yourself and avoid translation in order to master the language.
Good luck.
3 February 2007 22:11
winking smileywinking smiley
i hop speak english very well
i need english for every thing because know i live in usa
makanfham walou?moody smiley
i need a help

It's a question of time, it will come faster than you believe. Indeed, you'll have to study a lot but not only, you'll have to mix with lots of # people with # accents, so your ears will be used to hear the # english accents. You'll improve a lot your vocabulary..., you'll be proud after of you. It's like for you as learning arabic and french.
So, good luck for you in US.winking smiley
16 February 2007 23:01
I know many cases like you but they make it at the end. They speak very well. To learn English either you attend free english courses that the government gives to foreigners or you can watch Captioned Movies (film soutitré) to develop your listening or you should get involved in the community (have american girlfriends)... but the important advice is not to be intimated when your talking to someone ... try youbest... and learn...
Wa salam.
26 June 2007 01:53

i need englais too because i well get bac next years

please can you help me moody smiley
26 June 2007 02:16
Ila raki 3aycha fi Texas, salam 3andhom : Howdy !
well, as many boys here and girls said, you gotta watch as much TV programs as possible, try to read some books and talk to english-speaking people (no Moroccans or any other arabs LOL ) , in few months you'll realize how easy english is, don't worry, things are gonna be all right ! Good luck hun !
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