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The Washington of AIPAC is like the Constantinople of the Byzantine emperors in...
9 July 2008 14:37
9 July 2008 19:51
The truth and nothing but the truth...
This article shows how powerfull are the jewish lobbies and WE must learn as muslims how important is to be united and to talk in an one and unic voice..
We have to change our point of view otherwise ,we, muslims, will go face on a wall.
10 July 2008 16:06
Nice piece Krim. I often read his op-eds on Haaretz or, Uri Avnery is one of those voices in the wilderness silenced by extremists on both sides.

L'OR1, we've already crashed in the wall, it happened a long time ago. Before we speak of unity, we must have the same level of self-criticism we read from people like Avnery. Right now, it seems the mantra is "everybody else is wrong and we hold the truth", not a very efficient way to change.
10 July 2008 17:53
The truth and nothing but the truth...
This article shows how powerfull are the jewish lobbies and WE must learn as muslims how important is to be united and to talk in an one and unic voice..
We have to change our point of view otherwise ,we, muslims, will go face on a wall.
Muslims have only been united when our prohet (PBUH) was alive. There have been internal conflicts since then.
And like Chellman wrote, we allways blame the others especialy the Jews.
10 July 2008 21:40
Thanks Krim.
Chelhman, it all depends at what speed we crushed into the wall?? Grrrr
11 July 2008 17:33

Chelhman, it all depends at what speed we crushed into the wall?? Grrrr

I don't know what you really meant by speed, but it seems our heads are still stuck in it.
11 July 2008 20:07

Chelhman, it all depends at what speed we crushed into the wall?? Grrrr

I don't know what you really meant by speed, but it seems our heads are still stuck in it.
Sorry Chelhman. I should have made it clear.
You gave a good example of our state of mind and I just wonder if we will ever have the energy to get up after the crush. For me, what really handicapping our thoughts is the mental fear that we inherited from various avenues, notably ourselves. We have a beautiful history, we don't know where we are heading and we are in a state of confusion now.
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