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The weak part of Dr. Wafa Sultan Interview, from ayman
29 March 2006 14:29
Dear Dr. Wafa Sultan and all editors at "Annaqed”,

I heard some of your commentaries and read some of your articles and I agree with what you are saying, only if we are viewing Muslims as "beasts." However, for you to be considered a credible scholar and researcher, you need to stop looking at the matter from one paradigm.

We owe a lot to Jews, Christians, and any human mind that contributed to our civilization. In your speeches you tend to always "forget" about Islamic scholars who set the basis for Western medicine, astronomy, logic, algebra, chemistry, metaphysics, and many other fields of knowledge both epistemological and ontological.

I am really surprised that a woman of your intellectual caliber has not come across some of these works. I would be glad to forward some information regarding these works and the Islamic scholars behind them. I will also be glad to interpret some of these scholarly writing since I expect that you will find difficulty in understanding what they are trying to convey.

I am not trying to be condescending, but from my perspective you are being very myopic in your interpretation of Islam and in your acknowledgement of Islamic contribution to civilization. You need to step outside your circle of ignorance and try to look at the whole and not only the part. Seeing the big picture and becoming more balanced will help increase your credibility. Doing so, you might be seen as a contributor to the well-being of human civilization as well.
In one of your comments you asked Muslims to stop forcing their views on the world and to open to the views of others. I ask that you please consider doing the same.
29 March 2006 15:52
Where did you get this critique? who is Ayman?
Would you give me the reference?
I am also interested in reading the interview with Wafa Sultan? who is she?
29 March 2006 16:05
above is the link to listen to Dr. Sultan.

Ayman was the signature in a Forum like this one. Probably like Tirally in Yabiladi.
So no idea about the person. I thought he made an important point.
take care
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