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1 June 2009 13:50
weddings are very expensive these days
people tend to follow the fashion
(traiteur)and (neggafa)....
all of these things cost a lot of money
what do you thinkperplexe
1 June 2009 15:42
waste of money , headache and noise i can not stand a neggafa screaming near me crying(
our society use weddings to show off their wealth , some even borrow money for the occasion Oh
1 June 2009 17:36
yes that s right
i mean when is it going to change?
moroccan society has been materialised too muchHeu
1 June 2009 18:45
i don t think it s just morocco it s worldwide : d u know ABBA SONG : MONEY MONEY MONEY Heu
MARLENE MONROE: diamonds are girls best friend
li mandou flous klamou msousse ptdr
sad but true , money became everything
2 June 2009 14:22
I don't think it is a bad thing to spend lot of money making a wedding.
What's bad is when this becomes a culture and we must spend lot of money even when we don't have that money. I know some people took debt from banks to make their wedding... and the new formed familly has to deal with this debt several years after the wedding.
4 June 2009 14:35
I can't see the point spending lots of money for a weeding really !

I find it just incredible and as far as i'm concerned i will never ever do that, particularly knowing he fact that people (who you merely know and sometimes invite themselves ..) will never be satisfied by what you do.

In other words, it is much better to organise a simple ceremony with your family and close fiends, a ceremony for peole who really care for you, better keep your money for a nice honey moon or for your personnal needs.
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8 June 2009 10:31
hi there
i do agree with you
waste of money for nothingHeu
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