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week ends
15 May 2009 12:39
week ends are meant to be for relaxing and recharging your batteries before starting another week of workAngel
so,how and where do you spend your week ends?Bye
15 May 2009 14:31
sunday it s football with my pals , going to cinema if there is a good movie
saturday shopping , sleeping long hours grinning smiley, eating some junk food , going to the park if the weather is nice ....................
i am the kind who get bored easily so i try to do different things every week end , in summer instead of football i go for a nice swim smiling smiley

i know i have to include reading a book somewhere , i bought two novels about 5 months now i haven t touched them yet sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2009 02:31 by marocain-09.
15 May 2009 14:53
well mr marocain
i can say that you re doing plenty of things on week ends
good for youthumbs up
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