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Western media control in Morocco
6 July 2009 02:18
It's undeniable that the Western media has the media in Morocco in his pocket >


This document contains a plan made in 2008 by the American company SML Strategic Media for the Moroccan government >

6 July 2009 08:40
yes i see
but do you think it s going to affect morocco badly????perplexe
6 July 2009 11:38
moroccan media is mainly controlled by two powers :

the governement
the political partis

no one can deny that each political party fund secretely or publically 2 to 3 newspapers to help brain wash moroccan specially in elections

the governement : employs a handfull of journalists (the spinners) their main priority is to spin, twist any news to benefit the governement policies even in time of crisis specially economic those spinners they try to paint a rosy picture , justify any wrong doing or any bad government startegies , they turn failures to success on the paper of course

in the developped countries the media is a fourth power and the best exemple is England we all seen how the the daily telepgraph , a one newspaper managed to shake the government and force a lot of ministers to resign (the expenses scandal)unfortunately in the arab world the media has no freedom it s there to serve the ruler and his government and to throw dust in the eyes of citizens to blind them more Cool
even al Jazeera which prides itself of free journalism , when it comes to qatar and it s sheikh no one dare criticize because he is the one who pay their salaries so no credibility to a media slave of money and power evil

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2009 11:43 by whatsup.
6 July 2009 11:51
6 July 2009 12:56
yes i see
but do you think it s going to affect morocco badly????perplexe

do you have an opinion ? it s better to write your opinion instead of questions ? you always asking questions and never say your opinion , a forum is to express opinions

so what do you think about this topicmoody smiley
6 July 2009 14:05
6 July 2009 20:51
media in the whole world has been controled by JEWS since 1897 during their meeting in Switzerland
eye popping smiley
7 July 2009 10:45
so what can we do about it???nothingHeu
7 July 2009 12:06
media in the whole world has been controled by JEWS since 1897 during their meeting in Switzerland eye popping smiley

Really ? Did you hear that on FoxNews, 'cause the statement is so "fair and balanced"...
7 July 2009 13:43
11 July 2009 14:01
no I didn't hear it on Foxnews, I read it about 20 years ago on The Protocols of Zion.
If u get a chance, do read it and u c what they r up to.Clap
11 July 2009 19:52
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