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What the US feared...
18 December 2006 17:40
Hi everyone,

What the US feared with Iran is happening, the true reason behind the mud slinging between those two. Iran will start trading oil in euros, here's an article from a swiss outlet and an exchange I had with Almot on the subject detailing the theory :


19 December 2006 17:05

US is ruling the world. Dont focus on wrong thing.
Most of business in Europe is American.

I have been is Swiss, it's under the mercy of US.

US is not the politics.

US is "le savoir faire", Knowledge at it's pure state.

What else?
19 December 2006 17:46
eFaysal, what wrong thing are you referring to ? The US ? I've got no problem with them, I'm looking at things from the financial point of view, if the dollar gets hit, every economy in the world will feel the sting.
19 December 2006 18:36
Financially it's not worth trading in US$, I read on the guardian that the best is the Yuan (China) and Real (Brazil), they are more stable.
I don't know if Syria has done that already, I read something a couple of months ago after the US imposed sanctions on them. Now Israel is poking at Syria, at the Golan they trying to spread the settlements. Are we seeing a proxy war soon?
Oil trade in Euros... I recall Iraq did that and was invaded.
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