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What globalization brings to Morocco
4 December 2006 06:46
There is a lot to say about globalization,
I'm just wondering here what Morocco got from it sofar.
Multinational corporations definitely do good for the host countries. They have spacious modern structures, they invest a lot in training, they bring new management approaches and far better working conditions than national companies. They also pay higher salaries and have benefits for their employees.
But does Morocco choose his investors, do they correspond to a certain industrial strategy defined by Moroccan governement or who ever has interest to invest in whatever field is welcome ?
I doubt ?
In the other hand, free market has killed stratas of Moroccan growing economy ( textile and food-processing industries for example )
I can only hope to see in my lifetime the complete globalization of capitalism and its manifold benefits for all of mankind.
It is possible but it takes to be prepared and plan its strategy 50 years ahead.
Do you think Morocco is prepared and how will you do it if you were decision maker ?
4 December 2006 08:38
What globalization brings to Morocco?

A very good PhD topic !
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