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what the hell is going on ????
5 September 2007 11:53
i had a little browse in this forum specially the french speaking forum, i was choked by the level of hostility of some people , very agressif, moroccans between each others , swearing on each other , an amazigh is swearing on the arabe and wants independance ,the arabe is insulting le chleuh , men using some odd language , being rude and disrespectable to women , women replying back with even stranger language
what s going on ????is this the reality of the moroccan society ???it feels like a jungle????
it s some kind of virtuel war Clapeye popping smileyClaphave we been contaminated by the war in iraqperplexe
where is loveeeeeeeee? where is la3wacher it s ramadan no?!!!!
my good deed for the day : calm down everybody it s only a forumthumbs up(tm)winking smileywinking smileywinking smileypeace vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
5 September 2007 12:44
YOU are soooo right. I think its terrible. Dont care if you arab or Amazigh, we are All Moroccans. especially with the Ramadan coming up. We Are 1 NATIon!
6 September 2007 03:12
Really suprised to hear that,
I did't notice it, either i''m lucky or my standards are low.
Anyway, berbere arabe rifi chamali and words alike, are part of our moroccan talk...
In a regular talk it s comen to ask/be asked where are you from, do you speake such or such tong or dialect...and even to make jocks about it.
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