zee german
I know, not everybody from North Africa is a terrorist, of course not.
But what happened in Cologne lately (where I happily live) was deeply shocking to all of us here. Especially, because Cologne is a very, very friendly and welcoming town. Do Moroccan/Algerian men think raping women would be ok? Why can't they party like the rest of us?
And now Bruxelles? How come terrorists are able to hide for such a long time in a district without being reported? Someone must have known or seen something?
Yes, and as sad as it is, lately when I see men wearing beards in traditional clothing, I feel very uncomfortable. My mind tells me to stay rational and calm, but my gut feeling is completely different.
So my honest question is, what is wrong in your communities?
I'd really like to here from your perspective.
zee german
I know, not everybody from North Africa is a terrorist, of course not.
But what happened in Cologne lately (where I happily live) was deeply shocking to all of us here. Especially, because Cologne is a very, very friendly and welcoming town. Do Moroccan/Algerian men think raping women would be ok? Why can't they party like the rest of us?
And now Bruxelles? How come terrorists are able to hide for such a long time in a district without being reported? Someone must have known or seen something?
Yes, and as sad as it is, lately when I see men wearing beards in traditional clothing, I feel very uncomfortable. My mind tells me to stay rational and calm, but my gut feeling is completely different.
So my honest question is, what is wrong in your communities?
I'd really like to here from your perspective.
zee german
I personally am totally against the catholic church, totally... or religion in general!!!! But I think there might be a difference in how we see these crimes here. It's probably more about psychology than logic I guess. I try to explain it to you....
Since the first refugees arrived in Germany most people have been euphoric to welcome them. You must have seen the pictures on TV, this wasn't propaganda this was reeaally happening!!!! People did care a lot. We collected money, toys, spent extra hours after work in the refugee camps. Now sure, you always have nay sayers. But the general mood was super emphatic towards those who needed our help and support!
Oh dear, then the Cologne raping happened. No one understood what on earth had just happened or even why at all. Like when you invite foreigners who say they need your help into your home, care about them, introduce them to your beloved ones, try to help them the best way you can, but the last thing you'd expect them to do is raping and stealing.
Especially us women, we have been scared and saddened at the same time. I mean this "incident" was mega huge like if 1000 catholic priests show up at the same time to rape little boys in plain sight. Sure, we had heard of refugees raping and harassing women, but we understood that they are bad people especially men and they are every where. I think at the end the enormous scale of what happened in my town, is what alarmed me and many people.
But then and on top of all came Bruxelles. Now the mood went completely down south.
Today people are wondering whats up with North Africans? For instance a few days ago a Moroccan mosque in Essen (a mid sized town, not too far away from Cologne) was shut down. Because amidst all what is going on right now, they really had the nerves to invite a well know extremist Moroccan (again) preacher from the Netherlands. And only after protests from the local authorities and the Turkish community the Moroccan mosque finally backed down. Their excuse has been that they didn't know the guy was a hate preacher!
So what do we expect people to believe or feel? Aren't these "Moroccans" supposed to be Germans living next to us? Why is there even a Moroccan Mosque? Shouldn't there be a Mosque for everyone? I fear that there is too much self inflicted isolation happening.
But this is how I feel. When the Muslim Prophet is pictured in a bad light (in a comic or so) people get suuuuuper offended. Some even commit terrorists attacks because of that. But when horrible horrible crimes against innocent people are committed in the name of Allah, then the reactions are.... ok. I see, unacceptable but this has nothing to do with me or my religion. I am not responsible for those actions, btw. they are not even Muslim. End of discussion.
Don't you think this a little bit toooo easy peasy? At the time when the PEGIDA demonstrations came to Cologne, a lot of people went to the streets showing the whole country and the world that, no this is not who we are and what we stand for!!! Am I a Nazi? Of course not. Do I feel responsible for what they did? No, but I went anyway! I felt responsible for my fellow Germans and I felt responsible to show that we are open to foreigners.
And I think if you in Morocco or Algeria or where ever, had people from a Buddhist community who rape women, bomb your local airport and invite even more Buddhist preachers preaching even more hatred, you too would ask yourselves what's up with these Buddhists who live amidst us? And you too would be glad if Buddhist bring it to the streets saying , "yes we are Moroccans like every one else and we condemn these violence acts in the name of Buddhism."
But I understand you.... if a person like me asks why is A, B and C? You say: "well, what about D, E, and F?"
The problem is normal people like myself don't think this way. We care about A, B and C because this is all we can do about. If I see someone commits a crime on my door step I can't respond with.... oh good for you, go ahead, in Argentina catholic priests do that too! Because we do care. People are leaving the catholic church in droves. In fact here in Cologne (which has bee a Catholic town since the middle ages) the Catholics are now in the minority)
Catholics: 36,3 %
Protestants: 15,9 %
Muslims and Atheists: 47,8 %
Anyway, can the forum maybe understand that a rally in Berlin, Paris, London or elsewhere where thousands of Muslims came together to demonstrate against ISIL or any violent terrorist acts would be a huge signal to all of us, to me, you, your friends and neighbours? Even that everyone knows not all Muslims are craaasy, but it would be a super lovely gesture of we do care.
you should consider the fact that there is absolutely no war or problem in morocco, we have no terrorist attacks compared to europe, so the people coming will be from extremely poor origins, they dont care about how they get there, they have no values and many lived on the streets doing drugs, also since nobody wants them they think you german girls are "easy to sleep with" wich is ridiculous, as a moroccan i think accepting these types of non refugees is damaging to both germany and the reputation of morocco abroad.
When a white guy rapes children over a period of times and then get arrested, do i ask white's people what's wrong with them ?
When german pilot crashed a plane in south France because his wife broke with him and killed with him 150 people, did i ask german's people what's wrong with them ?
So why you start applying this dumb logic that's those people were terrorists so are potentially the others that looks like them ? Do you know how many north africans there are in France and Belgium ? If we were all terrorists, current situation would be a looooot worse in Europe now.
And btw if you research about how isis recruits people you will understand that beard's guys are not the ones you should fear.