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8 March 2009 23:30
I enter the UK in 2000, i reside illegallyfor 3 years, after I applied for a residence card by joining in my application a false document ,i did awrong things aswell(enter on sham mariage with eea national), i was stoped by the immgration and release for an investigation, I never returned to the police station,after i went back to my home country ,In 2004 i maried a French women and I moved to France with her, since 01/2009 I became French national, so I would like to know if i can return england to live without having any problem
1/ what should i do ? take a soliciter and admit evry think
2/do you think that the home office can drop all the charge against me

pleaze i need a help.
10 March 2009 11:43
no body can HELP..
10 March 2009 12:28
Since you are french citizen now ,just keep away from troubles you should be OK

Have they taken your finger prints ?
10 March 2009 17:57
Since you are french citizen now ,just keep away from troubles you should be OK

Have they taken your finger prints ?
yes they have.
11 March 2009 13:07
when you were in England illegally did you apply for a NIN with your name ??or using a false name ?
the fact that you have the french nationality will make a lot of difference , i don t think you will have any problems settling in UK thats your right as an EEU citizen the only thing is after 3 months in UK you have to work and support yourself therefore a NIN is necessary
being a french national residing in UK means you are not under immigration control
but if you commit any crimes in UK they will be able to check your fingerprints and match it with what they have stored in their data

just keep away from toubles in UK and you ll be ok
11 March 2009 14:40
ya i agree with whatsup, i think now that u became a french citizen things will be better for u in the uk BUT only if u stay out of trouble of course.
however, u gotta take all this as a lesson learned, u shouldn t have lied when u applied for citizenship in the UK.
as they say, the past always comes back to haunt us
11 March 2009 23:08
when you were in England illegally did you apply for a NIN with your name ??or using a false name ?
the fact that you have the french nationality will make a lot of difference , i don t think you will have any problems settling in UK thats your right as an EEU citizen the only thing is after 3 months in UK you have to work and support yourself therefore a NIN is necessary
being a french national residing in UK means you are not under immigration control
but if you commit any crimes in UK they will be able to check your fingerprints and match it with what they have stored in their data

just keep away from toubles in UK and you ll be ok

thank you ever so much

i apply for NIN with my real name ,i was having in that time EEA residence card withe (sham marriage) unfortuantly ,so i did apply NIN with my real passport ,to settle in the UK as french i know that i have
right to reside with out any restriction ,
but what I'm asking is :if i enter the UK AS FRENCH and report to the police station where i was arrested and tell them that I'm here now and admit everything that i contacted a sham marriage and got my preview EEA residence in the UK witch now is expiret ( 6 years ago) with that sham marriage,
do you think that I'm going be jailed in prison for any period or the immigrations service are going to drop any charge against me ?
To me butter to clear up every think with the home office and with the immigrations service ,then to live on hiding.
thanks for any response
12 March 2009 10:33
I replied to you by PM hope it will help
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