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white girl
28 April 2009 10:04
I do need your opinion here: (to explain where am coming from, I'm tall(5'8"winking smiley, not bad looking, in good shape, I'm Moroccan/American shorter than the average white male)
I met this girl on the internet and we have been out twice. On the computer and on the phone she's all sweet and inviting but in person she is entirely different. On our second date she told me that she didn't feel "connected" with me. Meanwhile I have been nothing but a gentleman to this woman, what did I do wrong.?
I know that Moroccan American males have always had huge gripes about white girl and even girls of their own race who will NOT date them because of the stereotypical (nerdy, needy, backwards, or arrogant, bad to women, philanderers... list goes on), and you just hardly ever see MA males with white women (especially in the white suburbia where I happen to live).
Thanks in advance for any NASSIHA you can provide
28 April 2009 10:18
the problem is with your height mate, women in general don t like short men
on a brighter note , just accept it and move on don t be a cling on , she didn t fancy you , no chemistry
29 April 2009 03:02
Hi washazizgton !

Dont think too much, it's just a matter of chemistry as wassup said. And your heights has nothing to do with it. Move on.
29 April 2009 06:37
I do need your opinion here: (to explain where am coming from, I'm tall(5'8"winking smiley, not bad looking, in good shape, I'm Moroccan/American shorter than the average white male)
I met this girl on the internet and we have been out twice. On the computer and on the phone she's all sweet and inviting but in person she is entirely different. On our second date she told me that she didn't feel "connected" with me. Meanwhile I have been nothing but a gentleman to this woman, what did I do wrong.?
I know that Moroccan American males have always had huge gripes about white girl and even girls of their own race who will NOT date them because of the stereotypical (nerdy, needy, backwards, or arrogant, bad to women, philanderers... list goes on), and you just hardly ever see MA males with white women (especially in the white suburbia where I happen to live).
Thanks in advance for any NASSIHA you can provide
i don't understand the title of your thread, there is no black or white in Love.
There is no ethnicity in love, no age, no religion, no height, no tall, no skinny, no short, no fat..
the question is, do you love that girl as much as she loves you or are you using her to get to where you want?
if you really loved her you wouldn't be asking this question.
i think she loves you knowing you are a shorter person than her.
unless she looks like Godzilla, 10 feet taller and angry, why don't you give her a chance?
that's if you like her.
29 April 2009 07:07
Well, Mr. freeThinker… if I can get myself to stop laughing, maybe I can answer you!
OK, let's make sure I have the facts straight here...
i am not talking about love and i have no idea how did you come up with it …there is huge difference between attraction and love …I think you read me incorrectly.
so, yeah back to the point....
I just wanna let you know guys that:
I have an Moroccan friend who's probably about 5' 5" tall, and he's ALWAYS surrounded by beautiful girls . and i mean surrounded. like 5 or 6 at a time. there are biases everywhere, in all cultures... if you buy into them, then they apply to you. if you don't, then they don't.
I really think girls aren't usually romantically attracted to (nice) guys… .and they assume that you're interested in MORE than friendship from the very beginning, no matter WHAT you do or say.
so when you try to act all innocent and friendly, like you just want to be friends,... they usually assume that you're HIDING something, or that you're just another major Wuss Boy...
one thing for sure that I know is… we guys are PREDICTABLE (atleas de most of us are), and one of the very best ways to lose a girl is to be predictable.

.....Allah jibliya chi nok9ra fin ighbar nhassi

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 07:18 by washazizgton.
29 April 2009 08:41
dude who cares about your friends, don't hide behind your friends.
we're talking about you, why are you jealous from your friends?
it was you who asked the question.
not your friends.
why hide behind others, be a man !!!
you are imature and insecure but you can be the man if you want to.
you just have to have that thing
click click click..
les filles aiment les suave et pas des aggressifs qui vienent d'arriver du planete des singes.
suaviminto amigo et tout va bien marcher mais c'est pas cool de dire a une fille que tu l'aimes mais vraiment tu l'aimes pas du tout.
c'est pas cool.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 09:02 by FreeThinker.
29 April 2009 11:13
I agree wth free thinker , why reffering to her as white girl????why don t you consider her as a girl without white , black, green , or bleu that reflects prejudice
if i understood this relationship started on the internet but when you met her she changed her mind , it s normal , it was no chemistry , she didn t feel attracted to you , no need to find other explanation it happens emails are different than real life
your friend is surrounded by a lot of girls ? thats not hard to do , it depends what you r searching for , a serious relationship in this case it takes time to meet the right person with common points
if you looking for fun like your friends there are places for that nightclubs and ........
this is not a healthy life style i know a lot of moroccan students in america the more girls they are with they think it s something they can be proud of , showing off, normally it ends in desaster by shopping some virus from somewhere Cool
29 April 2009 11:48
hi washazizgton ,
i'm going to introduce my self,i’m a new member,I’ve registred just to share my opinion with you.but first you have to excuse me because of my bad english,anyway I’ll try.
In fact as you said about your friend who is always surounded by women even he is not good looking, tall…etc,I’m a women but I’ll say the truth,in this time no one of womens is searching for love or romantic or friendship,they are looking for fun and money,fo me I thank god cause he gave me a wonderful parents,that doesn’t let me think that way by giving me all I need.that’s not my subject,I mean just you should give your self a chance to find the women as you want and that women who let you sleep through her fingers ,I’m sure she will regret someday cause there’s few people like you who search for sincere relationship or friendship(I hope I will meet you someday) ,so don’t lose hope and inchallah you will find what you want.
29 April 2009 12:16
farfoula, are you the spokeperson of all women ?
if you are interested in meeting up the dude who posted this topic good luck but please spare us that shallow way of judgiung women race , how do you know all women are materialists and looking for fun?

it s a question of chemistry full stop, gosh get a life ptdr
29 April 2009 15:38
Hi washazizgton!

You said that you met a girl on the internet and that you met twice. After the date she apparently told you that she didn't feel connected with you. The dialogues on the internet are not determining in a futur relationship between a man and a woman. Sometimes when they discuss on line they are both attracted by one another, they have the same ideas, the same tastes etc... They almost fall in love or fall in love very quickly, that's why they decide to have a date. It's not always a success for everybody. This love is virtual, there is no reality in it. One of them or both idealises the relationship. When they meet they is no chemistry and they realise that they can not carry on as a couple. They realise that the only possible relationship is friendship or nothing at all and decide to put an end to it.

It's not because you are shorter or anything else. If she had met you at a party for exemple she would have realized at once that she is not attracted by you. Remember it's a question of chemistry and there is nothing to do with your physique.

When I was at university, I met a tall, black eyed man with beautiful black hair. All girls wanted to go out with him. He wanted to go out with me.For me the only possible relationship with him was friendship. I could not imagine him as my boyfriend because there was absolutely no chemistry between us. I explained him that and he understood. One year later I met a boy who is now my husband and some of my friends did not understand my choice because X was much more beautiful than my husband. I 'm tall and my husband is shorter than me. It's a question of chemistry and today I do not regret my choice.
29 April 2009 16:28
i just hate that some think a white chic should be the prototype of beauty just because..
where have they been last 10,000 year ?
my girl looks more like the daughter of Timoujin with blue eyes,
they shine in the sun.
29 April 2009 16:44
a white american girl with no brain is the ticket to the american pie for a lot of moroccan students
how else could they stay in USA it s not a white girl it s a bleu passport
thats what i heard from the moroccans there, and it does not matter if she is fat ptdr

allah yehdi makhle9
29 April 2009 16:45
hey hey freethinker, Let it go. honestly, you have invested too much time and energy into this and you still haven’t figure out the story yet…its clair that you are pretty dumb when it comes to relationshipeye popping smiley… dont worry about it …I know it's hard not to worry , but try your best not to big boy… Just let it go, and i see that you looking for attention but guess whatDanse …nah!!!! you will not get it…how does the expression go... "When you wrestle with a pig, you both end up getting muddy"

am there with you,thumbs up farfoula. the problem with the type of woman that you're
describing is that they don't actually look like this in real life. every one of them is trying to compensate for something

whatsup.moody smiley.who are you to judge her? it is ponchik, she is correct. but you are not, not if i say you aren't
so before u point fingers, make sure your hands are clean..."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 04:49 by washazizgton.
29 April 2009 16:58
the truth hurts winking smiley
i wish one day people stop blaming others for their personal failures , the number one easy target is
women , or next door neighbour or the homeless puppet eye popping smiley

la9sir tayta3le9 fin taytfle9 ptdr
29 April 2009 17:08
hey hey freethinker, Let it go. honestly, you have invested too much time and energy into this and you still haven’t figure out the story yet…its clair that you are pretty dumb when it comes to relationshipeye popping smiley… dont worry about it …I know it's hard not to worry , but try your best not to big boy… Just let it go, and i see that you looking for attention but guess whatDanse …nah!!!! you will not get it…how does the expression go... "When you wrestle with a pig, you both end up getting muddy"

am there with you,thumbs up farfoula. the problem with the type of woman that you're
describing is that they don't actually look like this in real life. every one of them is trying to compensate for something

whatsup.moody smiley.who are you to judge her? it is ponchik, she is correct. but you are not, not if i say you aren't
so before u point fingers, make sure your hands are clean..."
i can see that your English is even shorter than your height.
i wish you all the best but the chic who goes out with you must be as sick.
something about short men that makes them wanna control the world.
the Napoleon complex i guess .
29 April 2009 17:25
free thinker , 9tltini bde7kptdrptdrihave noticed that all short people behave like Napoleonptdr
an other thing is the opera singers a lot of them are short asses but they have big mouths and huge voices grinning smiley
29 April 2009 17:42
hi what's up!

i don't need to answer you as the man who I’m interested to know his point of vue had understand me.also,he had already answer you. I just want to make clear one point ,I’m a women and I live with womens so I know what I’m talking about, second I’m not a spoker for womens, cause I don’t think that women’s accept to speak for them, everyone has his point of vue and if I say something wrong then maybe I’m wrong, and If previously I said women’s i didn’t mean all of them, but some
of them, as we have good ones ,there’s bad ones, so next time if you want to judge people you have to make sure, that what you say is correct.

dear washazizgton

you understand me,and that what is matter for me.
thaks and take care.
29 April 2009 17:55
come on freethinker and what's up,Are you crazy

i think that you know the proverb who said: twil ou khawi kif derb lihoude” ou nzidek “twil ou khawi ki sbbsi l3issawi”’s not about tall or short it’s about what’s in mind.

as I see those proverbs are made for you ptdr.i mean what did you made in your life just because you are tall?.come on…..freethinker,,really you are free (nothing inside)whatup that’s all what you could do.
29 April 2009 18:06
hi what's up!

i don't need to answer you as the man who I’m interested to know his point of vue had understand me.also,he had already answer you. I just want to make clear one point ,I’m a women and I live with womens so I know what I’m talking about, second I’m not a spoker for womens, cause I don’t think that women’s accept to speak for them, everyone has his point of vue and if I say something wrong then maybe I’m wrong, and If previously I said women’s i didn’t mean all of them, but some
of them, as we have good ones ,there’s bad ones, so next time if you want to judge people you have to make sure, that what you say is correct.

dear washazizgton

you understand me,and that what is matter for me.
thaks and take care.
farfoula, i love women impossible for me to curse a girl.
but bring out that pink so called man of yours if you want a fight.
just don't come in his diffense.
29 April 2009 18:13
the moroccan women always fight with their men, they are worse.
you get punched then you find some girl grabing you from the hair.
don't play that game with me farfoula.
29 April 2009 18:17
are you that desperate?i see you trying to score some points winking smiley
whats this about : the main thing you understand me ? are you flirting trying to do some shopping and fill your trolly ptdranyway i have no problem if short people get it together the main thing don t write your loving words in public , it s Illmakes me feel SOS

may9sarou illa al bal2a al mosalite
la9sire wel9sira mayhniw la9bila grinning smileycongratulations hope you will succeed , i guess me and free thinker are on your guest list but please no dancing , short people roll like a football specially if they are wide , a nightmare winking smiley
29 April 2009 19:15
waw great , you too are beautiful couple
please don't say whatever come to your minds,think first..dear what's up,and honey freethinker i've already talled you::that's all what you can do(congratulation). free mind.Clap
advice :please breath well,another think:i'm not here to fight,i'm here to give my point of vue.we had enough please,...another think to be in known you 2 ,i'm not short,but i don't like people who cheese others,just because they think that they are one is perfect expect god.
take care
29 April 2009 20:29
ptdrare you sure?
keep fishing winking smileyu may get lucky and someone will bite your hook, a long worm is advisable grinning smiley
29 April 2009 20:38
waw great , you too are beautiful couple
please don't say whatever come to your minds,think first..dear what's up,and honey freethinker i've already talled you::that's all what you can do(congratulation). free mind.Clap
advice :please breath well,another think:i'm not here to fight,i'm here to give my point of vue.we had enough please,...another think to be in known you 2 ,i'm not short,but i don't like people who cheese others,just because they think that they are one is perfect expect god.
take care
Farfoula, britou lmoudawana 3tinaha likom
now you are asking us 3lash bdina tanthamaw?
that's what you asked for Farfoula.
fi hadik lblad mab9a i9dar 3likom ntoma lebnat ghir sidi rebi.
29 April 2009 20:46
Alice in midget landptdr

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 08:50 by whatsup.
30 April 2009 00:26
freethinker,what's up
it's not about the "moudawana".and it's not even our subject,anyway as you said f had lblad may9dar 3lina ri lli khl9na" and you are wld lblad too,so don't think far...anyway since you have admit that we are stronger that you think,,i'll say 'i gave up',no more bad words,but i'll keep say the truth,but without being mean,and stop being mean to me and the other person,it can heurt,so please let's start over,you too what's up another think "i'm not Alice in midget land"i'm FAFOULA in Home.
take care
30 April 2009 00:39
what up
no comments
30 April 2009 05:19
Waaaw,…not sure where to start here, and I can see things are getting little rough

farfoula, am proud of you…nothing else needs to be made it clear for them ... Clapbravo allik …baratiliya 9albi, but it's too bad that you have to deal with those people who won't give you an appropriate level of respect in return...and its sound like you and me might need to have honest conversation about the topic.

You watssuup, that is one of the stuped statement Are you crazyI have read on here in a long time…listen! don't try to make fun of people who are talented, when your only talent is lifting heavy objects.
and remember we are nicer than you, we are better than you, and, as it is quite balls are bigger than yours.ptdrptdr:

You freethinkasad smiley, …kiss my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2009 05:25 by washazizgton.
30 April 2009 09:59
sorry could not hear you what was that ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i see too short to be heard or answered if you were over 6ft i may try but normally midgets even if they shout they just hear themselves

when you sneeze do you hit your head against the floorptdr
definitely you must be that short ass who wanted to commit suicide so you jumped from the appavementptdr grinning smiley

i understand why the white girl dumped you did you use your super line : honey my balls are biggerptdr
dude being short they must be touching the floor not a nice picture i imagine , and you wonder the poor white girl why she told you to piss offgrinning smiley

Waaaw,…not sure where to start here, and I can see things are getting little rough

farfoula, am proud of you…nothing else needs to be made it clear for them ... Clapbravo allik …baratiliya 9albi, but it's too bad that you have to deal with those people who won't give you an appropriate level of respect in return...and its sound like you and me might need to have honest conversation about the topic.

You watssuup, that is one of the stuped statement Are you crazyI have read on here in a long time…listen! don't try to make fun of people who are talented, when your only talent is lifting heavy objects.
and remember we are nicer than you, we are better than you, and, as it is quite balls are bigger than yours.ptdrptdr:

You freethinkasad smiley, …kiss my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30 April 2009 13:24
are you looking for a cool twink or a hairy daddy bear? If this is the case, then am sorry I don’t do a man,No no….
from where you live i can tell you are likeable person who feels their rights have been violated... Have you ever thought about moving down Las vegas , where gay marriage is legal and I think the Freethinkayawning smiley could ve been more supportive of you, and then maybe helped you with strategies on how to deal with behaviors like this

He’ ve got your backptdr

i wish you peace man
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