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who did it ?
18 July 2006 14:31
salam all
i want to know if any of you lived in USA befor and moved or will be moving in europe and why?
18 July 2006 15:32
europe is over my friend,high unemployment,growing proverty..i know in holland that ten of tousends of people have not enough money to by food anymore,so there are social banks were they can get every week food
18 July 2006 17:40
18 July 2006 18:55
I did it!!! After living in the states for 17 years, I moved last September to Switzerland.
18 July 2006 22:06
europe is over my friend,high unemployment,growing proverty..i know in holland that ten of tousends of people have not enough money to by food anymore,so there are social banks were they can get every week food
you make it sound like the people in europe are starving and is like third world country, but it is not i lived in the state for plus 14 years and in europe i can tell you my friend that quality life is better in europe .
18 July 2006 22:13
nassim9999, quality of better is indeed better, there's no comparison with the US. But like sbs said, we do have a serious unemployment problem coupled with a discrimination one when you're in competition with for a position. It all depends on your area of expertise, you may find easily a job if you're in IT for instance, but as always the best thing is to be your own boss if you have an idea that can take off, you might get a shot at success.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2006 02:29 by chelhman.
19 July 2006 00:45
i know many moroccans who left holland,for canada,duba or australia
19 July 2006 11:59
The quality of life in the US is by far much more superior than that of Europe, there is no questions or doubt about it. I met many Moroccans, who were born in Europe (particularly in France, Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy), who couldn't make it in their country of birth (Europe) but acheived great deal after moving to the states.
19 July 2006 17:05
Hi all,


I confirme what Mint says but in Australia......the Staes , Canada and Australia offers good opportunities for everyone who works hard and wants to aschieve something no matter your backgroung, skincolor or age...for everyone ther is always something to do and a place in the society...also I found the life quality much more higher than in Europe particularly for children.... the only thing that could bother is the distance....if you could cope with the fact that you may not go to Morocco (or Europe) every year but each 2 or sometimes 4 to 5 years you would have great life there...

good luck
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